Thursday, January 25, 2024

Republican governor's veto overridden by Republicans: Trans procedures and boys v. girls in sports banned

Mike DeWine (RINO)

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine was hoping for a strange, new respect from liberals who favor boys competing against girls in sports, and for children to have their genitals mutilated in order to pretend to be the opposite gender. 

DeWine vetoed a bill put forth by Ohio Republicans that would ban transgender procedures and hormone treatment from being done to children, and also barred boys and men from competing against females in athletic competitions.

But Republicans in the Ohio state Senate voted to override DeWine's veto, following House Republicans’ January 10 vote to do the same, with that vote ending up 65-28.

It looks like DeWine's political career may be in jeopardy, but he has a shot at working for MNSBC or CNN. 

The bill in question, House Bill 68 is made up of two acts: the “Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act” and the “Save Women’s Sports Act.” It bans transgender procedures on minors, such as  total breast removal on girls who think that they're boys, and other genital mutilation procedures for children with the mental illness known as gender dysphoria. It also prohibits males from competing in female sports across the state, grades K-12, and the collegiate level because males have a biological advantage over females.

When DeWine had first vetoed the bill, he argued that passing the it would hinder parental rights to allow their easily influenced child and/or parent, to perform irreversible procedures on their child based on the latest leftist fad.

“Ohio would be saying that the state, that the government, knows better what is medically best for a child than the two people who love that child the most, the parents,” DeWine argued.

In fact, DeWine would be wrong. That's akin to saying the a mother who suffers from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy knows what's best for her child by giving him or her unnecessary invasive medical treatment. Being a parent usually means you love your child, but it does not necessarily translate into knowing what is best for him or her.

He also made the claim that he was acting to preserve “life,” because he bought into the notion that kids who don't transition will commit suicide. Statistical data shows that the suicide rate is just as high for those who transition as it is for those with gender dysphoria who don't get their bodies mutilated.

“Ultimately, I believe this is about protecting human life,” DeWine naively said. “Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals. I’ve also been told by those who are now grown adults that but for this care, they would have taken their life when they were teenagers.”

Many parents who say such things are wrong. And in fact, young kids overwhelmingly grow out of their gender dysphoria later on and lead normal lives as adults when their genitals are left intact.

Though Republicans are generally in agreement that these types of irreversible procedures are harmful for children and therefore should be banned, Republicans like former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie have argued in the way of DeWine because like the Ohio governor, Christie is also a RINO in more ways than one.

While making his short-lived 2024 presidential bid, Christie argued that procedures like double mastectomies and penis-removing vaginoplasty surgeries are a “parent’s decision.” By that logic, so is abortion even after nine months.

Anyway, the law will take effect in about three months and one day these kids will look back on their childhood and be grateful they didn't have the procedures.

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