Saturday, June 10, 2023

Garth Brooks swishes to the Left; calls Bud Light boycotters "A-holes"

Garth Brooks [zher, zippy, dee-doodah] is miffed over Bud Light boycotters, calling them "assholes" and declaring that he will serve that piss water in his Nashville transgender-friendly bar, where men go to be women and vice versa because it's the new cool. 

Brooks' LGBTQ+1WAP move to the left has fans saying they will no longer listen to his music nor go to his concerts. Like Bud Light's former marketing vp, Alissa Heinerscheid, zippy insulted millions of Americans who are finally fed up with the "cut-off-your-balls-or-breasts" agenda that's being forced down their collective throats.

Dee-doodah said his bar — called the Friends In Low Places Bar & Honky Tonk — would not be removing Bud Light from the LGBTQ+1WAP menu and if they don't like it, they can kiss his grits at Four Corners.

“Yes, we’re going to serve every brand of beer. We just are. It’s not our decision to make,” zher said during a Q&A session for Billboard’s Country Live in Conversation.

“If you come into this house, love one another. If you’re an asshole, there are plenty of other places on lower Broadway.”

And that is where you might consider going if you are one of the millions aforementioned. 

Zippy continued: “In my existence, one asshole can turn the whole tide down there. My thing is, let’s create a place that you feel safe in.” 

In zippy's existence? What does that even mean? 

Former fans have begun revolting, especially for his "asshole" labeling, which isn't the best example of zher's 'love one another' statement. Brooks is trying to corner the hypocrisy market, it seems. Anyway, here are a few of the comments he earned on Twitter:
I bet Garth Brooks secretly wears crotchless Rainbow 🌈 underwear
— Steve Mudflap McGrew’s 🔨 REMASCULATE podcast (@REMASCULATE) June 9, 2023
Here's another one that makes a good point:
@garthbrooks You want to sell #BudLight sell it! Why alienate people who are standing up against the grooming of children. If people want to be trans, be trans. Wanting people to stop cramming it down our throats doesn't make us aholes but your statement sure makes you one.

— 🌹Rosarian NikitaMarie (@RetiredNikitaM) June 9, 2023
The next one is kind of nasty, but zher deserves it:
This is what happens when you turn into a old f@t f*€k who is not aging well and is quite the irrelevant one. ⁦@garthbrooks⁩

— Lady Tigress (@LadyConstance8) June 9, 2023
Meanwhile, the Bud Light boycott is still going strong because drinking it equates with supporting gender mutilation of children. It's too bad Brooks doesn't see it that way because the dollar signs blind apparently blind dee-doodah.

Anyway, stay safe and don't drink Bud Light at Target or Kohls.

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