Friday, April 14, 2023

Whoremongering crackhead helps POTUS answer 'tough' question by a child

When a whoremongering crackhead has to explain a child's question to the President of the United States of America because the POTUS doesn't understand it, you might come to the conclusion that the nation is in more trouble than a one-arm juggler on a pogostick in a minefield.

Hunter Biden had to explain the question to his father during their trip to Ireland Wednesday. The question from the child went like this:

"What’s the top step to success?" the child asked the president.

"What’s the top what?" Biden responded as he scratched the back of his neck and appeared to look as if the child was speaking Mandarin.

"Step — steps — step to success," the child answered.

"Oh, well, making sure that we don’t all have COVID. What — why — what are we talking about here?" he asked, realizing he just experienced a brain fart.

At this point the President's crackhead son jumped in for the rescue.

"If you can — what’s the — what’s the key to success?" Hunter asked, attempting to clarify the child's question for the cloudy brain of the President.

"Oh, what’s the key to success? You know what I found out is the key to success is? And I’m not sure I’m the best guy to explain it; these guys can tell you," the president answered, as he realized he had no answer, and redirected the child's question to an unrelated topic--to not personally attack those with whom you disagree.

The response on social media was that Biden is mentally unfit to serve as president.

"We're all gonna die in a nuclear fireball," author David Jack Smith posted. Exaggerated, hyperbole, or reality? 

"Hunter steps in to help his father understand the question being asked to him by a child lmfao," conservative commentator, Greg Price, wrote.

"Omg. Hunter Biden is our president, isn't he?" Ashe Short, senior editor at Daily Wire, posted.

"That the president can't hear, talk, or think seems like it should be a bigger issue," Grabien founder Tom Elliott tweeted.

Other conservatives called for the implementation of the 25th amendment in order to remove Biden from office.

"What's great is he's the leader of the free world and has no idea WTH what he's talking about. #25th Amendment," Brian Doherty, a conservative commentator tweeted.

Stephen L. Miller, contributing editor at The Spectator World, tweeted, "He's fine. He needs his son who is under federal investigation to come along to keep him on track but he's fine." Later he joked, "Press Secretary Hunter Biden."

Even Hunter would be better than Karine Jean Pierre as press secretary.

"Joe Biden has officially taken more questions from children than the Press on his Ireland trip," the official GOP account tweeted.

To Joe's credit, at least he finally took a question and answered it. 

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