Sunday, April 16, 2023

Male teacher with gender dysphoria having 'bad thoughts' about shooting students: DeSantis' Dept. of Ed. intervenes

Cross-dressing teacher 

A male teacher with gender dysphoria was permitted to remain at his Florida school even though he had told school officials that he was "having bad thoughts: and "wanted to shoot some students." It took the Florida Department of Education to get involved before this dangerous teacher was finally removed.

The case involves a man who changed his name in 2021 from Alexander Renczkowski to Ashlee Renczkowski because it seemed to him that everybody was doing it.

[H/T Western Journal]

Ski, as I will call him, taught at Fox Chapel Middle School in the Hernando County School District, where his wife, Fawn, [who was quite a deer when he met her] also teaches.

On Friday, the state tweeted:
“Earlier this week, the Department was informed of a situation regarding student safety at a school in Hernando County. Upon the Department bringing the concern to the Superintendent Wednesday evening, only then did the district remove the teacher from the school, effective yesterday, Thursday, April 13,” the state posted.
Please see the Florida Department of Education’s statement below on a school safety situation in Hernando County.

— Florida Department of Education (@EducationFL)

 On Wednesday, a group called “Your voice matters. Help fix Hernando county schools” posted a police report on its Facebook page that was obtained by the group Moms for Liberty.

“Here is the police report about the … threat at Fox Chapel Middle School. You be the judge. If there was no imminent threat. Then ask yourself why did the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office remove the guns out of the household???” the group post read.

The report from Fox Chapel’s school resource officer said that on March 24, Renczkowski told an assistant principal that he was having “bad thoughts” over a post about his sexual orientation.

The report said Renczkowski has been on hormone therapy and would have gender reassignment surgery in the summer. Thus, he still has a penis and testicles and plans to have them removed and reshaped into something that sort of resembles a woman's genitals without an attached womb.

Renczkowski also reportedly told the counselor he “has suicidal thoughts” and “three handguns at home” and that he “wanted to shoot some students due to them not performing to their ability.”

Mental illness is not a fluke with gender dysphoria; it's what classifies it. Suicidal ideation is abnormally common with people suffering from this disorder, but because the left wants to normalize it, these problems have been swept under the rug.

It was published in a study by the National Library of Medicine that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, so it's a real mental health problem.

According to the administrator, Renczkowski “immediately stated [s]he would never harm a student” and “stated that she does not want to harm herself,” the report said. 

But he might have.

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