Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Another woman "pulls a Rachel Dolezal" Arab, South Asian Style

Here we go again as another White woman has put on the protective cloak of victimhood and claimed to be an Arab, South Asian woman is spite of her being "as white as the driven snow," and that new white-white paint that was recently invented to keep homes cool in the hot summer sun.

Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, who changed her name to Raquel Evita Saraswati, 39, is the senior inclusion officer of a Philadelphia-based social justice warrior group. She has been lying about her Caucasianacity for years because it's better to be any other color but white, The Intercept reported.

The Muslim activist, who has access to files of the progressive Quaker group’s workers and volunteers, has claimed for years to be of Latin, South Asian and Arab descent.

Raquel's madre, Carole Perone, said that her incredibly White daughter is of British, German and Italian descent.

“I call her Rachel. I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing,” Perone told The Intercept. “I’m as white as the driven snow and so is she.”

But with the new racism across the country, being White can be hazardous to one's career and even one's health in certain 'hoods.'

Mama Perone added: “I’m German and British, and her father was Calabrese Italian. She’s chosen to live a lie, and I find that very, very sad.”

Perone said her daughter converted to Islam in high school and for some reason felt compelled to present a different ethnic identity, not unlike women who have their breasts removed and genitals mutilated and claim to be a woman.

The mother shared with The Intercept photos that show Saraswati with a far lighter complexion when she was a child, as well as her Ancestry.com profile. She asked the outlet not to publish the images because that would be like showing photos of Rear Admiral Rachel Levine prior to him calling himself a woman.

What is with all these Rachel's?

Another family member, who asked not to be identified [so as to avoid the LGBTQ+1 community from protesting in front of their home at 3 am because they have nothing else to make themselves feel important] confirmed to The Intercept that Saraswati is White.

Oskar Pierre Castro, a human resources official who helped AFSC hire Saraswati, was told she was a “queer, Muslim, multiethnic woman,” according to the news outlet. 

Being in the "victim class" can get you the jobs, guys.

“In my mind it was, ‘Great, a person of color, a queer person of color, who happens to be a Muslim, it’s a woman, all these things, and someone who seemed to get it,” Castrol told The Intercept.

“I definitely feel conned. … I feel deceived,” he added.

Evidently, "Raquel" is unaware of how the Muslim community views "queer" folk.

If only she also had a physical deformity, or some kind of handicap, like perhaps being a midget, that would be icing on the Halal cake.

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