Wednesday, November 16, 2022

With no 2nd Amendment, Iran's government votes to kill 15,000 protesters as a 'hard lesson'

Following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, a young woman arrested and allegedly beaten to death at the hands of her government for not wearing a mandatory head scarf, women all over Iran peacefully protested against what was done to her. Now, in a disgustingly horrific move, Iran's 'holier than thou' Parliament has voted to execute 15,000 protesters to teach the living a "hard lesson."

In late October, the Biden administration said it would be levying sanctions against 14 Iranian officials in response to the crackdown, but that only got the Iranian government to crack down even harder as the voted on Tuesday to kill 15,000 protesters who have been arrested.

And liberals wonder why we need a Second Amendment.
This is horrifying. The Iranian parliament votes overwhelmingly (227-63) to execute the 15,000 protesters they already arrested.

These were peaceful protestors simply seeking the right to basic justice and autonomy. Unacceptable and barbaric.

— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid) November 14, 2022
Iranian journalist and activist [aren't they all] Masih Alinejad called on the international community to “stop this act of terror.”
227 members of the 290-seat Parliament in Iran have called on the Judiciary to issue death sentences for people arrested during the ongoing uprising.
They want to execute innocent protesters who chanted Woman Life Freedom.
The world must stop this act of terror.#MahsaAmini

— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) November 6, 2022

Of the 290 members of Iran's Parliament, 227 voted to kill the protesters as a way of spreading peace among the more Islamic worshippers who say the executions "would serve as a good lesson in the shortest possible time."

“Now, the public, even protesters who are not supportive of riots, demand from the judiciary and security institutions to deal with the few people who have caused disturbances in a firm, deterrent, and legal manner,” Iranian government spokesman and major scumbag Masoud Setayeshi said, according to Reuters.

Journalist Omid Memarian called upon the world to respond:
Outrageous! After killing 100s of protesters on the streets & a violent crackdown, 227 MPs in Iran called the protesters “Mohareb” & asked the judiciary to issue “retribution” sentences [execution]. The world should respond. Dangerous!#MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevoIution

— Omid Memarian (@Omid_M) November 6, 2022
On Monday, a Revolutionary Court in Tehran issued the first death sentence to a protestor. 

A court in Iran has issued the first death sentence to a person arrested for taking part in the protests that have engulfed the country, state media say, as reported by the BBC.

A Revolutionary Court in Tehran found the defendant, who was not named, had set fire to a government facility and was guilty of “enmity against God”.

Another court jailed five people for between five and 10 years on national security and public order charges.

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A human rights group warned authorities might be planning “hasty executions”.

At least 20 people are currently facing charges punishable by death, Norway-based Iran Human Rights said, citing official reports.

In response to the horrific situation, President Joseph R. Biden sucked on his wife's finger, Jake Sullivan wrote a nasty letter, and transgender women in the US military wore black ribbons on their collars.

You get what you voted for; good and hard.

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