Saturday, September 24, 2022

Don't write home to "mom and dad," write to your birthing couple

Can you spot the genderqueer-nonbinary-transgender-lesbian?

The US Air Force Academy (USAFA--pronounced Oosafah) is training its cadets to "use inclusive language" and to refrain from calling people who behead Christians, Jews and all non-believers "terrorists," and to start calling them "people with different religious expression." Also, they must stop using male and female identifiers,  because having a penis or a vagina does not necessarily define your gender or sexual proclivities if your heart tells you otherwise.

The presentation titled "Diversity & Inclusion: What It Is, Why We Care, & What We Can Do," consists of a series of thoughtful, caring exercises meant to rid normal people of gender pronouns such as "she" or "her," and replace them with pronouns the mentally ill person prefers such as "Zorgon," "Pusspuddle," "Zhrr," or "Your Royal Heiny." 

So the Air Force says it wants to avoid "stereotypes, bias, and microaggressions" and instead, use language that confuses everyone who attempts to understand what is being said. 

"They are coming to get us," might mean, for example: "Pusspuddle said they will pick us up after the movie and drive us home;" or it could mean, "If we don't get out of here now, we are going to die." 

See, Pusspuddle's pronouns are 'they,' 'thee,' 'thou' and 'brap' and even if you knew that this is what 'brap' wants you to call they, you have no idea what's being conveyed, so the best thing to do, just to be safe, is run away as fast as you can.

The Air Force also wants you to avoid terms like "you guys," and "colorblind," even if you happen to be colorblind. Instead, substitute with: "you theys," and "color confused." For the word "terrorist," as previously mentioned, you can also use terms such as: "Republicans," "all white men," and "Trump."

The seminar is a fraction of a much larger push by the U.S. woke military and supporting institutions [such as the Democrat Party] to create a more perfect union of inclusive, kinder, more gentle and caring group of humans who would rather discuss matters with our so-called enemies, than simply defeat them in an ungainly battle that could get someone hurt. It may be part of a woke cultural agenda, and China, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela might be covertly laughing at us, but, as Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing."

The U.S. Pacific  Air Forces (PACAF), has ordered its senior honchos and commanders to desist using accurate gender pronouns in written formats and instead, use confusing but neutral pronouns. Sadly, the U.S. Navy recently published a video instructing its sailors on proper gender pronouns and the Army, once a fighting force of brave men now mandates gender identity training and trains officers on when to offer subordinates gender-transition surgery, paid for with military funds once used to defeat an enemy.

America's first gender dysphoric Rear Admiral, Rachel Levine in his Mary Jane's

"We may not win a shooting war," Rear Admiral Rachel Levine said, "but we are winning the war against cis gender white supremacy.

"A diverse and inclusive force is a war fighting imperative!" according to the Air Force presentation. "Our USAF/USSF faces a complex environment and tackles ‘wicked,’ complex problems," [such as misgendering, banning critical race theory from schools, and Trump].

When the U.S. Air Force was asked by non-woke media whether it supported various woke programs being taught to cadets, they had nothing to say.

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Doesn't that remind you of Vanderbilt Hospital and other "gender-affirming" surgery providers who removed their web page from the internet because they know that castrating boys and surgically removing girls' breasts is wrong?

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