Sunday, May 15, 2022

NYC Mayor Eric Adams says women have the right to kill their baby before they leave the birth canal

New York City Mayor Eric Adams was fortunate not to be among the 63 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. After all, he was born in 1960, before the right to kill the unborn went federal in 1973. Had he been born after that year, there was a good chance he would have been among those millions of black babies killed before seeing the light of day.

But abortion has killed an estimated 20 million black babies since 1973, and that's more than the entire black population that existed in 1960. According to U.S. census data, there were 18,871,831 black American citizens, so Adams was fortunate to be born.

The Mayor joined the "Bans Off Our Bodies demonstration" where he said that "Men should not have that right to choose how a woman should treat their body."

Who can disagree with that? 

Even though the Mayor cannot define what a woman is because he isn't a biologist, his point is a good one. I would add that a woman should not have the right to choose whether she kills the baby inside her womb because it is a separate life from hers. 

Radical extremists, as Adams sees them

Adams ironically slammed the pro-life movement as "radical" on Saturday and pledged that he would "fight" to ensure there are "no" limitations on abortion, a word used to soften the true nature of the act: infanticide.

"Abortion is health care. It’s that simple. And New York City won’t let a group of radical extremists take away health care or any human right without a fight," Adams tweeted Saturday using the hashtag "BansOffOurBodies."

Abortion is not health care. The Left uses that all-encompassing word to include mental health, which they define to include sadness, anxiety, stress and just about anything that impacts negatively on the mother to allow her to go ahead and end the life inside her. 

Calling people 'radical extremists' is a smoke screen. The real radical extremists are people who cannot see the truth of the murder they propose. Calling it anything but murder is a ploy to make the act acceptable.

When asked whether there should be any limitations on ending the life of the unborn, Adams, who had the good fortune to already be born replied, "No I do not." 

"I think women should have the right to choose their bodies," Adams said when pressed again about abortions up until the day of birth. "Men should not have that right to choose how a woman should treat their body."

By that twisted logic, Roe v. Wade should have never been allowed to stand as it was made up entirely by men.

1973 Supreme Court Justices from left to right, seated in the front row: Potter Stewart, William O. Douglas, Warren E. Burger (chief justice), William Brennan, and Byron White; from left to right, standing in the back: Lewis F. Powell, Thurgood Marshall, Harry Blackmun, and William Rehnquist

In a recent FOX News polling over half of Americans think abortion should be banned after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Still others think it should only be allowed for rape and incest. Those who think like NYC Mayor Eric Adams simply think infanticide is permissible if the mother wants it.

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There is a good chance the Roe v. Wade decision will be struck down. If so, the decisions regarding abortion policies will be put in the hands of the individual states, in spite of the over 60 percent of the American population who believes abortions will be banned across the nation, thanks to the way the media reports it. 

By given the states back the right to choose their own policies over abortion, the voters get to decide abortion policies.

How radical is that?

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