Thursday, May 12, 2022

LGBTQ poster 'L', Lori Lightfoot calls for violent insurrection

She wears her mask for reasons other than COVID

The Mayor of Chicago, Lori "Beetlejuice" Lightfoot has made a "call to arms" to challenge and "fight" conservative Supreme Court Justices for the possibility of ending the poorly conceived Roe v. Wade. And while the Left says that words matter, it seems that they fail to follow their own ideology when it comes to themselves.

There is a very specific meaning of the words "a call to arms." It's a call for the use of weapons and the LGBTQ Lightfoot is calling for people to use weapons to enact a political outcome that she and Democrats want. Of course, she will deny that she was calling for violence, so don't believe your ears nor the media that supports the Left.

The Supreme Court is an unelected body of Justices appointed for life, therefore they are supposed to be politically impartial and rule on law as it is written in the Constitution. They can't be voted out of office and to remove a sitting Justice, would require a two-thirds vote. So the only way Lightfoot could get the results she wants is through violence. How else would she be able to get her way?

She should be removed from office, but that is not going to happen because she isn't Sarah Palin, who put targets on a congressional map to strategize her campaign. This isn't former President Donald Trump because he used the word "fight" in his 2020 campaign.

The media will protect Mayor Beetlejuice and, if they could, would put her on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

On Monday evening, supporters of infanticide protested outside of Justice Alito's home. That is a federal crime but a Biden administration DOJ isn't going to do anything about it and the mainstream media is going to paint it in a positive light.

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Lightfoot's call to arms is dangerous and disgusting, but it looks as if that's going to be the way the Left acts when it doesn't get its way.


  1. Is Lori any relation to Gordon Lightfoot
    Canadian singer-songwriter


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