Saturday, February 12, 2022

Comrade de Blasio is running for state Senate: LOL

Staten Island, NY Democrats are freaking out over the possibility that former failed Mayor and Comrade Bill de Blasio might run for the new Staten Island-Park Slope, Brooklyn, congressional seat. Should he somehow win, then Staten Island and Park Slope will get what they deserve, good and hard. His chances of winning the seat is akin to being struck by a train on the Sahara Desert. 

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He is hated on Staten Island and Democrats do not want this toad to run. Sen. Diane Savino (D) and Assemblyman Michael Cusick the Island Democratic Party chairman, have blasted the idea of his running for the new House seat.

The Dems deserve this big goofy loser. The party opened the door in Albany to this political possibility with their redistricting plan, and de Blasio saw his opportunity to screw up something else and jumped at the chance. 

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