Thursday, February 10, 2022

Beto: "Hell yeah, I'm not comin' for your guns . . . yet"

Could not find his blue shirt with the "pit stains"

Robert Francis O'Rourke [aka Beto because it sounds Hispanic] is the idos of political loser. I'm old enough to remember when Robert Francis O'Rourke told the country that he was coming for our guns. I'm old enough because it was only three years ago and I'm old anyway so I remember a lot of stuff.

And when he raised his arm to the sky in defiance of the Second Amendment and showed the world that he sweats just like the next guy, he pulled no punches, didn't sit on any fences, when he was asked if he was going to take away guns from law abiding citizens. "Hell yeah, I'm coming for their guns," the Texas genius said, and like Joe Biden, he wasn't kidding. 

The dude was really going to force Americans to surrender their guns, he believed, and we were going to simply hand them over. The surrender would be "mandatory," the moron told Morning Joe, another moron, and said that it didn't matter if the gun owner wasn't willing to surrender it.

In that October 2019 modified limited hangout on Morning Joe, Beto tried dodging his pledge to confiscate millions of existing firearms. Even PolitiFact called BS on O’Rourke at that time:
“To be clear, I’m not talking about confiscating anybody’s guns. But I do think that, for those weapons of war — AR-15s, AK-47s — these were designed and sold to the militaries of the world to kill people on a battlefield and there are more than 16 million of them in America. And we’ve seen the devastating effect that they can have in Dayton, Ohio, or El Paso, Texas, or Odessa, not too far from where I live. Those must be bought back or else each of them are an instrument potentially of terror in this country.”

You can always know when a politician knows as much about guns when he calls AR-15s and AK-47s weapons of war. And let's not forget that the Second Amendment was not dealing with weapons used for hunting or plinking--it was about keeping an out of control government at bay, if it ever came down to such a situation.

PolitiFact added: 
In reality, O’Rourke’s answer isn’t clear at all. … O’Rourke has said “yes” and “hell, yes” when asked about confiscating assault-style weapons. And his mandatory buyback proposes taking those weapons from people, even if it involves a purchase.

We rate O’Rourke’s claim that he is “not talking about confiscating anybody’s guns” as False.
Beto is trying to defeat Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in the next election and now he's tap dancing to reinvent himself. He tried talking about Abbott's energy record and the Covid pandemic but local reporters pushed him to talk about his history of gun-grabbing.

Like all Democrats caught in a political bind, Beto "evolved." Honestly, Really. He loves the freaking Second Amendment now. 

Speaking to reporters, the Constitution chameleon also took a question about his stance on guns and his remarks made in 2019 about taking away AR-15s and AK-47s.

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“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment,” he suddenly claimed. “I want to make sure that we protect our fellow Texans far better than we’re doing right now. And that we listen to law enforcement, which Greg Abbott refused to do. He turned his back on them when he signed that permit-less carry bill that endangers the lives of law enforcement in a state that’s seen more cops and sheriff’s deputies gunned down than in any other.”

If somehow this cretin wins the governorship, Texas will get what they deserve, good and hard.

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