Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sharpton says life sentences of 3 Whities not enough, then suddenly gets busted for some reason

The following is satire, the cases are real but the arrest has not happened yet.

In a reversal of fortune, the very Reverend Al Sharptongue (Racist-MSNBC) was commenting on the three "White" men who each received life sentences for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. The very Reverend man of the cloth and extraordinary journalist said that the sentences were "not justice, it's accountability."

In the middle of his lecturing us, three members of law enforcement suddenly appeared on camera, grabbed the very Rev. Sharptongue under each arm, lifted him to a standing position and handcuffed him as they led him away.

The very Reverend is the founder of the National Action Network (NAN) a so-called civil rights organization. In 2013 Sharptongue's federal tax liability increased to about $820,000 after it took in $4,900,000 in gross receipts, mainly from corporate sponsors that Al had dirt on, while its total expenses were $5,200,000, leaving a huge deficit. Even the former newspaper, New York Times, reported that the extremely Reverend Sharptongue "has regularly sidestepped the sort of obligations most people see as inevitable, like taxes, rent, and other bills." The rag also noted that NAN "appears to have been sustained for years not paying federal payroll taxes on its employees."

This being said, it is not known at this time if this was the charge being levied against the highly Reverend Sharptongue, but it's certainly possible.

Among other events that may have led up to his arrest, Steven Pagones rings a disturbing bell. This happened way back in 1987 when the righteous very Rev. Sharptongue accused Pagones, a NY State prosecutor, of being part of a group of White men who raped teenager Tawana Brawley. But a grand jury found "overwhelming evidence" that the rape allegation was made up and Pagones sued Rev. Al for $65,000 and won. The right Reverend paid off the judgment with other people's money he raised by supporters. 

So maybe the Pagones situation isn't the one the Rev. got busted for.

Okay, maybe it has to do with the car accident in which a Hasidic rabbi's motorcade killed a 7-year-old Black child in Brooklyn, New York. The very Christian Reverend Sharptongue referred to Hasidic Jews as "diamond merchants" and threatened that "if the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house." This soon thereafter may have sparked the killing of an innocent Jewish student visiting from Australia who was set upon by a mob of angry Black men and one of them stabbed him to death. 

Yeah, that may be the reason for the arrest--inciting a riot that ended in a murder.

But wait; there's more, if memory serves.

In 1990 Reverend Sharptongue was accused of stealing $250,000 from his youth group. Maybe the law got more information on that event.

And in 1995, an Black Pentecostal church in Harlem asked their Jewish tenant of one of its properties, Freddie's Fashion Mart, to evict a Black-run record shop that was subletting part of the property.The very Rev. Sharptongue seeing an opportunity for exposure and maybe make a few bucks, showed up outside of Freddie's as a crowd gathered. He shouted to them: "We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some White interloper can expand his business."

Did the Reverend Al know that Freddie's was merely following the directive of the owner?

Anyway, two weeks before Christmas, a guy in the crowd shot several Freddie's customers and then set the building on fire. Seven employees were burned to death and the very not so Reverend Sharptongue said he was sorry he used the words "White interloper," but said the violence was not his fault.

Perhaps law enforcement finally concluded the firing up of people got people fired up enough to kill. 

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If he doesn't serve time in prison, as he once did, he may get canceled for referring to gay men as "homos." 

Nah, they'll never cancel him for that. Look at Joy Reid. She may be leaving MSNBC but they knew about her homophobic blogging for years. It's all about the ratings.

So it looks like we'll not have the right, Reverend Al Sharptongue to kick us around anymore.

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