Monday, May 10, 2021

U.S. vets in NYC livid at comrade de Blasio for blocking Memorial Day Parade but allowing Cannabis Parade

Seriously, if veterans don't challenge this piece of political shoe goo, Mayor Bill de Blasio [aka Warren Wilhelm, Jr.] over the "equal protection clause" in which he clearly gives preference to one group over another, then we veterans don't deserve to march in the Memorial Day Parade.

A group of New York City veterans are frustrated and pissed at Democratic Communist New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for blocking a permit for Staten Island’s 102nd annual Memorial Day parade.

But the cretin mayor allowed demonstrators to march in the Cannabis Parade on Mayday. 

“It’s a slap in the face,” Jamie Gonzalez, 57, a Marine infantryman who saw combat during Operation Desert Storm, told the New York Post.

Actually, it's kind of more like a bilateral orchiectomy--the surgical removal of both testicles. 

“For many of us, a parade is a form of closure,” Gonzalez added. “We gather together and support each other.”

Gulf War veterans such as Gonzalez were slated to receive special recognition during this year’s parade to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the conflict, but the city denied a permit to the United Staten Island Veterans Organization, which is comprised of 16 local veterans groups that have sponsored the annual march for decades. The New York Police Department informed the organizers of the parade that the march had to be restricted under de Blasio’s emergency executive order on public events.

The NYPD should turn their backs on the marchers and let them march, like they turned their backs on de Blasio at a cop's funeral, for not supporting them.

“I’m incensed,” Ted Cohen, 82, an Air Force reservist during the Cuban Missile Crisis, told the New York Post. “It’s pathetic.”

In addition to the May 1 march for marijuana, other outdoor marches and events have taken place in New York City since the pandemic began, such as a St. Patrick’s Day parade and the Black Lives Matter protests, both of which Bill de Scumwafer joined.

I could go on and on, point out the blatant hypocrisy, like de Blasio's participation in the George Floyd "East Harlem Pray and Protest" event, but it's just words when actions are needed.

An unnamed official told the New York Post, “People are just marching. That’s the new normal. The Staten Island people had the decorum and respect to go the proper way [and] they are suffering for their civic-mindedness. No one else is even asking permission.”

In a letter sent to the NYPD on Friday, attorney Brendan Lantry demanded a parade permit by Monday and pointed to the Cannabis Parade as precedent.

“Under the equal protection clause, it’s unconstitutional for the city to pick and choose between groups like this,” Lantry wrote in part. “There’s a clear double standard going on here.”

Our veterans have every right to march in honor of their service. They need to defy the mayor when the mayor defies civility and American patriotism. 

March, Forrest. March! 

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