Friday, May 14, 2021

Penn State changes terms but will 'manhole cover' become 'androgynous-hole cover'?

In a hundred years from now, people will look upon this slice of history as the most bizarre and ridiculous time we've ever had in the nation. Everything is racist or sexist or homophobic or transphobic or white supremacist. It's absolutely stupid.

Now Penn State University has banned the words "freshman," "junior," "senior," and soon to ban "manhole." This comes after the idiots on the left have banned "mother," and changed it to "birthing parent," because according to these science wizzes, even men can give birth. 

Imagine how painful it is to pass a kidney stone. Now picture it would be if a man could birth an 8 pound bundle of joy whose pronouns are to be determined at a later time.

But Penn State is woke and they've got the words to prove it. On April 27, the faculty announced the passage of an "inclusive language" resolution that bans paternalistic terms as mentioned. Even "upperclassmen" and more are banned because it excludes "upperclasswomen," a word not even accepted by Spellcheck. 

Have you noticed yet that the left never builds, only destroys. They bring nothing and take what was yours. They want your money if they think you make too much of it. Just consider the envy of human wastes like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). He was so upset with "Millionaires and billionaires" until he became a millionaire and revised his envy to the latter.

The Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs passed the resolution — titled "Removal of Gendered & Binary Terms from Course and Program Descriptions" — with a majority vote.

I would send my kid to Penn State when the devil is handing out making snow cones in hell.

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