Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Pentagon blasts Sleepy Joe who claims his people aren't getting access to information


Presumptive President-elect's team [and he has a President-elect office an unofficial seal to prove it] has claimed, with zero evidence, that they have not received all the information needed in Biden's transition from useless US Senator, to brain-compromised babbling POTUS. 

“My team needs a clear picture of our force posture around the world and our operations to deter our enemies. We need full visibility into the budget planning underway at the Defense Department and other agencies in order to avoid any window of confusion or catch up that our adversaries may try to exploit,” Biden mush-mouthed yesterday. “But as I said from the beginning, we have encountered roadblocks from the political leadership at the Department of Defense and the Office of Management and Budget. Right now, we just aren’t getting all the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas. It’s nothing short, in my view, of irresponsibility.”

Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller slammed the claims from Biden, noting that the department has given Biden’s team more, not less, access to resources than they initially requested. Perhaps Biden forgot what he and his team asked for--not unlike him forgetting what state he was speaking from during his presidential campaign. 

“The Department of Defense has conducted 164 interviews with over 400 officials, and provided over 5,000 pages of documents – far more than initially requested by Biden’s transition team,” Miller said in a written statement. “DOD’s efforts already surpass those of recent administrations with over three weeks to go and we continue to schedule additional meetings for the remainder of the transition and answer any and all requests for information in our purview.”

The statement added: “Our DOD political and career officials have been working with the utmost professionalism to support transition activities in a compressed time schedule and they will continue to do so in a transparent and collegial manner that upholds the finest traditions of the Department. The American people expect nothing less and that is what I remain committed to.”

Biden, who either lied or forgot, made similar claims last week, saying, “The Defense Department won’t even brief us on many things.”

The DOD said that Biden was being "patently false" and added that they will continue to give his team the information and meetings necessary to ensure continuity between the administrations. "As we've said, meetings will begin again in early January, and in fact we've begun scheduling them," they said.

Miller explained that it was Biden's transition team who agreed to a holiday break from meetings and briefings. Their heads were spinning from all that information and Biden obviously isn't able to process more than "what's for supper" type input. In spite of this, Biden's team claimed that Miller was lying. "There was no mutually agreed-upon holiday break." 

Well someone is going to go to hell.

Biden has been criticized over his foreign policy and national security ideas, both of which shown the same accuracy of what Helen Keller's kill rate would have been if she was a long-distance sniper. 

Even Obama knew that Biden was clueless in these areas and said so.  Robert Gates, former secretary of defense under Obama, said Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

And he is due to become our POTUS on January 20, 2021. 

G_d save us from this mentally deficient, corrupt loser.

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