Thursday, September 17, 2020

Judge okays recall petition against Seattle Marxist

Seattle councilwoman Kshama Sawant [not to be confused with savant--she's just stupid with no special skills] may be in big trouble. A presiding King County Superior Court judge ruled that accusations against her were verifiable and serious enough to justify a recall petition.

Judge James Rogers, is a fourth generation Seattle-ite [?] and served in the King County Prosecutor's Office from 1994 to 2004. Six of those years was with the Special Assault Unit and three were with the Most Dangerous Offenders Project Unit [aka homicide unit], so don't think you can get over on this guy. 

Rogers ruled that four of the six charges against Sawant justified the continued recall effort, according to the Seattle Times.

The charges against Sawant in the petition are, according to MyNorthwest:
That Sawant misused council resources to promote a ballot initiative in early February
That she violated City hiring rules by giving decision-making authority to Socialist Alternative.
That she revealed the address of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s home to protesters who later marched to her home
That she endangered City employees by admitting hundreds of protesters into City Hall after hours
That she “created a criminal environment” in the East Precinct area of Capitol Hill that ultimately led to the creation of the CHOP
“Rogers dismissed the charges related to the East Precinct and the CHOP, but allowed the others to move forward,” The Seattle Times wrote.
Vis-à-vis the ballot initiative, Rogers wrote that there is “actual knowledge of facts indicating that the Councilmember intended to commit an unlawful act …”

Rogers wrote that as far as giving decision-making authority to Socialist Alternative, “the councilmember had to persuade the Seattle Executive Committee of the Socialist Alternative to discharge an employee, effectively delegating a City staffing decision to an outside body, of which she was a member.”

Regarding the charge of admitting hundreds of protesters into City Hall,  the judge stated: “her alleged act of unlocking the building closed due to the pandemic and letting in the protesters inferentially proves the intent needed to allow the charge/allegation to go forward.”

On July 2, My Northwest reported that Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan issued a letter to Gonzalez urging her to investigate allegations against Sawant; Gonzalez refused, writing, “The public airing of issues amongst and between independently elected officials will not advance solutions on the deepening needs of our constituents. I remain focused on finding solutions and would welcome a letter from Mayor Durkan detailing her vision on how we can work together on enacting concrete solutions that meaningfully address these crises.”

What an incredibly screwed up town.

On August 18, a petition was launched to recall Sawant from her position on City Council. On Tuesday, the Seattle City Council voted to pay for Sawant’s legal defense, 7-1, with Councilmember Debora Juarez the only member to vote against the idea and thus being the only councilmember with a functioning cortex.

Attorney John McKay represents the recall petitioner and said that Sawant needs to be held accountable, asserting, “I realize that we’ve seen this happen at the highest levels of our government,” but “I hope that we are not living in a time in which our elected officials are not held accountable for violations of the law.”

Yeah, who the hell do these politicians think they are? Antifa thugs?

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