Saturday, September 19, 2020

Betsy DeVos warns CT schools they better leave conferences that let boys compete in girls sports

Betsy DeVos

Connecticut school districts in New Haven, Hartford and southeast Connecticut were set to receive about $45 million in five-year government grants. They were licking their lips, rubbing their hands together, and district leaders were thinking about which new car they would buy, until the head of the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, told them that they had until October 1st, to withdraw from the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), which allows biological boys (who believe they are girls and dress that way) to compete against biological girls in girls' athletic events.

There's about $18 million at stake. 

The reason the DOE leader wants to do this should be obvious to anyone who knows practically anything about biology and the advantages that males have over females in most sports that require strength and speed.

The Education Department's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) warned officials in those districts about the deadline from the conference or the remaining income funding will be cut. The New York Times noted:
“The Education Department in May warned the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference that it considers allowing biologically male athletes to participate in girls’ sports a violation of Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits sex discrimination in programs that receive federal funding.” 
On August 31, Kimberly M. Richey, Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, wrote to the Connecticut school district:
"As an initial matter, despite some similarities, Title IX differs from Title VII in important respects. Title IX has different operative text, is subject to different statutory exceptions, and is rooted in a different Congressional power … Significantly, unlike Title VII, one of Title IX’s crucial purposes is protecting women’s and girls’ athletic opportunities. Indeed, Title IX was passed, and implemented by regulations, to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities and to protect equal athletic opportunity for students who are biological females, including providing for sex-segregated athletics.

“There are circumstances in which a person’s sex is relevant, and distinctions based on the two sexes in such circumstances are permissible because the sexes are not similarly situated. Congress recognized as much in Title IX itself when it provided that nothing in the statute should be construed to prohibit “separate living facilities for the different sexes.”
When it comes to competition in sports, gender makes a difference. For example, the
FC Dallas under-15 squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage. So what chance does a gifted female athlete have against an average male athlete in the same sport? Even when the boy "transitions" to become what he thinks is a girl, he still has the muscular biology of a boy which makes him basically stronger and faster than his female counterpart. 

This is not to imply that all boys are better at sports than all girls. Obviously there are females who would absolutely defeat most boys in a particular sport, but I'm speaking about overall average performance.

How many girls would lose athletic scholarships to boys who are transgender girls?

In February, a lawsuit was filed in federal court by three high school girls and their mothers against the CIAC, which permitted boys to compete in events and win awards that would otherwise have gone to girls.

Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, and Chelsea Mitchell, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), were denied opportunities to compete at higher levels as boys took home the prizes. CIAC’s policy allowed two males to compete in girls’ athletic competitions beginning in the 2017 track season. Those boys took 15 women’s state championship titles (titles held in 2016 by nine different Connecticut girls) and more than 85 chances to participate in higher level competitions from female track athletes in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons alone. 

And they weren't even that fast compared to other boy athletes in the same sport.

Mitchell, who was ranked the fastest biological [aka actual] girl in Connecticut in the 55m, lost four girls’ state championships and two all-New England awards. She recalled, “I knew that I was the fastest girl here, one of the fastest in the state. I remembered all my training and everything I had been taught on how to maximize my performance … I thought of all the times that other girls have lost. I could feel the adrenaline in my blood and hope that wafted from me. That just possibly, I could win this. Then, the gun went off. And I lost.”

In her letter, Richey continued:
“On March 12, 2020, counsel for Bloomfield, Hartford, and Cromwell, and on March 13, 2020, counsel for the CIAC, Glastonbury, Canton and Danbury, informed OCR that their clients would not sign the Agreements.”
 “Based on the failure of the CIAC, Glastonbury, Bloomfield, Hartford, Cromwell, Canton, and Danbury to resolve the identified areas of noncompliance, OCR will either initiate administrative proceedings to suspend, terminate, or refuse to grant or continue and defer financial assistance to the CIAC, Glastonbury, Bloomfield, Hartford, Cromwell, Canton, and Danbury, or refer the cases to the U.S. Department of Justice for judicial proceedings to enforce any rights of the United States under its laws.”
More will definitely follow.

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