Saturday, July 4, 2020

San Fran PD stops releasing mugshots to combat law and order

In an effort to show good will to the criminal community, San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott has ordered the SFPD to immediately desist fighting crime in the time honored way, you know, by showing photos of actual criminals, and instead will use Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head figures to figure out what the alleged perp looks like. [No, put the nose a little higher. Yeah. The left eye is crooked, straighten it out.]

Unfortunately, the Black Lives Matter leaders are even against that because the Potato Heads are potatoes of color and that's racist.

The department released the news in a statement on Wednesday, ironically coinciding with the release of statue attackers, looters, rioters, Marxist anti-Semites, church defacers, street crappers, and basically everyone short of those committing murder.

Scott believes that showing photos in the news and on social media creates a correlation with reality. Specifically, those who perpetrate the highest percentage of violent crimes tend to be, in terms of their percentage of the nation's population, African-Americans.

That is, crime demographics has shown that certain groups of people perpetrate a significantly higher percentage of crime in relation to their population in the nation. The fact is, blacks make up about 13 percent of the US population and of these, 6 percent are male. Yet black males commit over 50 percent of violent crimes.

This means, there would be a lot of mugshots of black men in the news if Scott didn't step in to protect them.

You can call me racist, but facts don't know race or politics--they're just facts.

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