Wednesday, July 8, 2020

NY Times hack Tom Friedman urges Biden to hide until after the election

Former newspaper NY Time typist Tommy Friedman is trying to offer brain dead Democrat Joe Biden an excuse not to debate President Trump in the coming election. The excuse he's giving the Biden is that he will only debate Trump if he reveals his tax returns and shows naked photos of the First Lady, Melania. Failure to do so will allow Biden to remain hidden away from sentient society and hopefully win the election for the puppet of the left.

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who is never correct on anything other than whether or not he remembered to flush, urged Biden to make President Trump agree to "two conditions" that he, Tommy Friedman has dictated to Biden who was last seen smearing his chocolate pudding on the walls of his basement.

"I worry about Joe Biden debating Donald Trump. He should do it only under two conditions. Otherwise, he’s giving Trump unfair advantages," Friedman began his column Tuesday evening. 

This is due to the mental challenge Biden faces in knowing which woman is his wife and not his sister, and to what truths are self-evident.

Anyone who takes Thomas Friedman seriously needs to remove their pointer finger from their collective noses. 

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