Saturday, July 4, 2020

America haters block road leading to Mount Rushmore ahead of Trump's event

You really have to hate America to fall in line with most of the protesters, especially the anarchists who tear down statues regardless of the person's full history it represents. Clearly, if any of these people had even half the scrutiny our founders and other leaders had, they would be cancelled faster than an Israeli olympic sprinter in an ISIS camp. But as long as protests are peaceful, they are fully sanctioned under the Bill of Rights, and rightly should be.

But what does peaceful mean? Does it give one license to prevent those who aren't protesting from their freedom of movement to wherever they're going?

Protesters blocked an access road to Mount Rushmore Friday, merely hours before "bad orange man" Trump was set to give a speech to kick off Independence Day weekend.

According to the Associated Press, the protest group was mostly Native Americans protesting that South Dakota’s Black Hills were taken from the Lakota people against treaty agreements.

But if you check history, the Lakota [aka Sioux] took that land from the Cheyanne, and they had taken the land from the Kiowa. But typical of all the plains Indians, even the Kiowa were a warrior people who frequently battled both with their neighbors and tribes well beyond their territory. They were quite famous for their long-distance raids, and even went as far south as Mexico and up to the northern plains.

Then we have the Tonkawa tribe originally thought to have originated in Central Texas, but recent findings has shown the tribe inhabited northwestern Oklahoma as late as 1601, but by 1700, the more aggressive Apache tribe pushed them south to the Red River.

And so on.

War and conquest has been a part of human history since the first stone was thrown. The spoils of war have always gone to the victor. If you don't believe me, just look at the history of Muhammad and his band of roving conquerors and plunderers. And they didn't just get land, they got booty and slaves. Yet somehow, we're supposed to hate the imperfect people who founded this great nation.

It's ridiculous and self-aggrandizing.

Anyway, back to the protesters.

One group parked three vans across the road and took the tires from two of them to make it more difficult to remove them. Several demonstrators climbed on top of the vans chanting “Land back!” Police warned the protesters to disperse but twiddled their police officer thumbs, doing nothing but talk.

The sheriff’s office said attendees had been told to arrive early so should have been past the roadblock. However, the Rapid City Journal reported that some motorists who had tickets for Friday evening’s fireworks show were unable to get through the protests and were standing by their cars watching the standoff.

The Journal reported that law enforcement in riot gear as well as members of the National Guard had arrived on the scene and declared it an unlawful assembly. Thumbs continued twiddling, and voices hummed as crickets were heard laughing at the scene.

The news outlet reported that the lower bowl of the amphitheater where the President was scheduled to speak at approximately 8:50 p.m. local time was full, but there were many empty seats in the upper level.

Protesters do not want to allow conservatives to hear conservative speech. That's why they block roads, infiltrate conservative speaker engagements to create havoc. They don't believe any opposing opinion versus theirs, has any value. And yet they call conservatives science deniers.

Trump's speech was very good. The only problem I noticed with it was when he referred to Stonewall Jackson as "the great Stonewall Jackson." Let us not pretend Jackson didn't have problems with race relations. But perhaps CNN and the other cretin networks will go after him for something else.

Have a wonderful, safe, patriotic Fourth of July everyone!

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