Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Auntie Maxine: Trump will 'get worse'--will bring Putin to White House

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) ranted Sunday on far-left anti-Trump network MSNBC about President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr.

She ranted on MSNBC's “Kasie DC” saying she believes Barr criticizing the President's tweet is actually a smokescreen, an attempt to "trick" everyone.

The paranoid Waters predicted Trump will “get worse” now that he has been acquitted of impeachment in the Senate, adding he will “bring” Russian President Vladimir Putin “into the White House to continue to interfere,” unlike Obama who brought into the White House religious figures such as Rev. Al Sharpton, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“The president does not believe that there are any reigns on him, that he can do whatever he wants to do,” Waters hallucinated to host Kasie Hunt. “And that’s exactly what he’s doing," she said with no evidence whatsoever, "and he’s going to get worse since he was basically not indicted, not charged with obstruction of justice in the impeachment trials. He’s going to get worse now. [She saw this in her tea bubbles.] This president is going to do everything from bringing Putin into the White House to continue to interfere. And don’t worry, he’s going to pardon [Michael] Flynn eventually, pardon Roger Stone eventually. This president is out of control.”

Her hatred for Trump is what's out of control. She's freaking crazy.

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