Friday, January 17, 2020

Trudeau blames Trump for Iran's incompetence in shooting down passenger jet

Trudeau in India: appropriating their culture
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got his position by riding on the coattails of his daddy's name. He certainly did not from his reputation as a school dropout, camp counselor, snowboard instructor, nightclub bouncer or teacher. He graduated from McGill University in 1994 and then the University of British Columbia in 1998. He got a bachelor of arts degree in literature and a bachelor of education degree. He dropped out of an engineering program from Montreal's École Polytechnique in 2003 after starting the studies the previous year.

In other words, he's not the sharpest light on the Christmas tree.

But his late father, Pierre Trudeau, was seen as one of Canada's great leaders, like him or not. And Justin, a pleasant looking young man, got to follow in his snow prints.

Now Trudeau is blaming the United States for the deaths of 57 Canadian citizens who were passengers of the Ukrainian airline the Iranians shot down in the start of January. Justin Trudeau apparently is a big fan of the "butterfly effect."

“If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families,” Trudeau told Canada’s Global News.

If there were no cars, there would be no automobile accidents. There would be no vehicular attacks by terrorists. There would be no deaths by carbon monoxide closed-door suicides.

“This is something that happens when you have conflict and war,” the idiot said. “Innocents bear the brunt of it, and it is a reminder why all of us need to work so hard on de-escalation, moving forward to reduce tensions and find a pathway that doesn’t involve further conflict and killing.”

Iran shot that plane from the sky. Not the USA. Not Trump. 

Iran failed to demand a no-fly area while retaliating against the U.S. after taking out the scumbag terrorist, Cassem Soleimani. And if Trudeau thinks that Soleimani should have been left alive to kill more people, he's a bigger idiot than previously thought.

Trudeau said he received no advanced warning of President Donald Trump’s plans to take out  Soleimani earlier this month, but he wished he had. Maybe if President Trump told him the plan, he could have warned Soleimani and this all could have been avoided. 

Trump didn't even tell the Democrats because he knew they would have leaked it, so why would he tell a foreign leader?

In an exclusive interview with @DFriesenGlobal, Trudeau said that in his stupid opinion, the “tensions” in the region led directly to the downing of a passenger jet outside Tehran which claimed at least 57 Canadian lives. In other words, the "butterfly effect," not the intention or incompetence of Iran.

“I have spoken to him and I have talked about the need to de-escalate tensions,” Trudeau said. “I’ve talked about the tremendous grief and loss that Canadians are feeling, and the need for clear answers on how this happened and how we’re going to make sure it never happens again.”

Global News reported that Canada plans to host a meeting in London on Thursday “in which members of the International Coordination and Response Group are set to lay out their next steps for pushing for credible answers and access to [airplane’s] black box data.”

This was a passenger plane that had just taken off locally. It should have been grounded if Iran planned to fire missiles into Iraq [an act of war, by the way], or at the very least, tracked as a local commercial airline.

But it's always easier to blame Trump for all the misdeeds of the world. 

Trudeau should have stuck to snowboarding.

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