Friday, October 11, 2019

White woman tells white men they can't speak on racial issues

She virtue-signals better than white men and
whistles a happy tune

A white female social justice warrior blasted fellow trustee board members for being white males and daring to have an opinion about racial issues. [She also believes that oncologists who have never had cancer should not even dare to attempt curing it until they can understand what cancer sufferers go through.]

In a video [that has since been removed from the web and made private] Susan Buchanan, a trustee for Oak Park, Illinois screamed at her male colleagues for being melanin deficient to speak about racial issues.

Fellow trustee, Dan Moroney, objected to language he believed would be offensive to the town police department: "I hesitate to send the message to our police department that they are a system of oppression," Moroney stated.

Buchanan went ballistic and said that both Moroney and fellow trustee Deno Andrews, another X-Y chromosome endowed person, "shouldn't have an opinion" on the issue and then went on to attack them for their immutable biological situations, mainly because she's a sexist and a self-loathing racist

“You have been white from birth! Why are you arguing what is a system of oppression? You’ve never experienced one! So shut up! I don’t want to hear from you! Just stop!” Buchanan said as a gaggle of trained SWJs clapped for fish.

“You have not spent a day with dark brown skin and tried to walk through this society!” she said with raised voice. And she knows what those brown-skinned people feel because she's a white woman who knows stuff that white men could never know.

“This mayor and this board is obviously not willing to face history,” she yelled with self-righteous indignation. “We have a chance to make history. It is time for this community to face equity. Enough! And you stop it! You are a white male! You stop it, you are a white male! Your skin is light enough. Stop it!”

The crowd went berserk as fish flew to their clapping encouragement for more, while one member of the audience balanced a tennis ball on her nose.

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