Saturday, May 11, 2019

Foreign billionaire wants Americans taxed more: guess where he can go

Richard Branson [aka Sir Richard Branson] is an English rich guy who founded the Virgin Group, which ironically has no members who are virgins. Branson has the audacity to say that Americans should pay higher taxes when he appeared as "the Arrogant Schmuck of the Day on MSNBC" on Friday.

The purpose of the arrogant schmuck's visit was to talk about Virgin Galactic's partnership with New Mexico to build the first-ever commercial spaceport.

Toward the end of the interview, the fearless host Yasmin Vossoughian asked Branson about income inequality and the role people like him "should play with regards to income inequality."

In spite of the fact that he is not an American he had an opinion about what Americans should do.

"We have a very important role. I think if anybody is fortunate to be successful, wealth, and sometimes extreme wealth, comes with it and there's an enormous responsibility to redistribute that wealth by setting up, in our case, many, many different kinds of programs," Branson bloviated.

Branson added that the "extremely wealthy most likely should bear more of the burden than they currently do." He then promised to give away equal portions of his fortune to those less fortunate, particularly the homeless, and leave himself with an equal share . . . just kidding. Socialists only believe in socialism for the other guy.

"And do you agree with the likes of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates saying individuals like you should be paying higher taxes in this country?" Vossoughian asked.

"Yes, I mean, I'm not American, [so why doesn't he shut up about what Americans should do] but I think the answer is yes. I think that, you know, the enormous tax breaks have benefited the very wealthy and that is wrong. And we don't need them in the way that other people do," Branson responded, still unwilling to part with his money in equal portions to the homeless and less fortunate.

You want to know the fairest way for Americans to pay taxes?

Tax everyone at the same percentage--rich, poor and the rest. Let all of us have skin in the game and watch how quickly crazy government spending is put in check. It can't be any fairer for a person paying say, ten percent or whatever of his income no matter what his income is, because it takes the same proportionate chunk from him as it does for the other income brackets.

Those liberals who are "super rich" can give more to the government if they believe people should pay more from their labor to the government than whatever percentage is deemed reasonable.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found the average middle class family kept almost $1,000 due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by Republicans. An article published by Fox Business earlier this year highlighted other benefits of the tax cuts:
A family of four with annual income of $73,000 is seeing a 60 percent reduction in federal taxes — totaling to more than $2,058. According to the Heritage Foundation, the typical American family will be almost $45,000 better off over the next decade because of higher take-home pay and a stronger economy.
Tax reform doubled the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000, giving over 22 million American families important tax relief. The standard deduction was doubled from $6,000 to $12,000 ($12,000 to $24,000 for a family) giving tax relief for over 105 million taxpayers that took the deduction prior to tax reform and simplifying the code for tens of millions Americans that will not take the standard deduction instead of itemizing.

The United States declared its independence from England in 1776. Branson can sit on it.

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