Monday, April 29, 2019

Judge Napolitano destroyed by Trump for his hostility

Have you noticed the change in demeanor by Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano when discussing President Trump over the last few months? It seems fairly clear that something or some things have changed between them.

In December 2018 Judge Napolitano accused Trump's campaign of campaign finance violations, a totally uncharacteristic statement coming from a Fox News contributor. 

Napolitano also claimed that Donald Trump Jr. would likely be indicted by Robert Mueller, a claim disputed by the liberal Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz.
But to make matters worse and the insinuation of Napolitano's change in demeanor, earlier this week he suggest that President Trump obstructed justice in the Mueller probe.

On Saturday President Trump hit back twice as hard and accused Napolitano of his obvious change of heart concerning the president due to his being turned down for a Supreme Court seat.

President Trump tweeted: 
Thank you to brilliant and highly respected attorney Alan Dershowitz for destroying the very dumb legal argument of “Judge” Andrew Napolitano. Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good “pal” of low ratings Shepard Smith.
Now you might disagree with Trump constantly getting down in the gutter with anyone who criticizes him, but this is one reason he became president. The people wanted a fighter, and that's the one thing President Trump does the best, even if it's quite unpresidential.

Whether it's true that Napolitano asked for the SCOTUS seat or not, is something only he and Trump knows for certain. But it is a lack of good character to attack him because of personal reasons.

Perhaps Judge Napolitano should send his resume to CNN or MSNBC.

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