Tuesday, January 8, 2019

'Morning Joe' anchor whats to black out POTUS national address--TOO LATE!

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski is apparently afraid President Trump might win over some people who thought they opposed the wall and might not after hearing what he has to say.

So the wife of the one-time GOPer, Joe Scarborough, and who recently called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo the president's "butt boy," is now calling for the censoring of our president's address to the nation.

On Tuesday, after hearing his announcement of the address, she said that all television networks, including hers, should refuse to air Trump's prime-time Oval Office address on immigration due to the credibility problem she says he faces. She thinks he might lie to viewers.

Yes, it's possible he, like the president who preceded him, might lie. Hopefully he will not. But when Obama lied, there was no blowback by Mika or any of the leftist media. And Obama lied as much as Trump. So our president must stick to the truth and the facts, because they're both on his side.

The hot bowl of czarnina said on "Morning Joe" Tuesday:
“Like they’ve done with other presidents in other times, the networks should refuse to turn over the airways to Donald Trump tonight for what they know objectively to be a steady stream of lies.” 
The early-morning talk show leftist added that keeping Trump off the air might “stop him from debasing yet another one of our historic, solemn and cherished presidential traditions.”

It might also compromise the integrity of the media and people will notice. But nobody ever claimed to see Mika at a Mensa meeting.

“They shouldn’t run it, not on the main networks,” she lamented, calling Trump’s immigration policies a “dark, twisted fantasy.”

I call Trump's policies at the border "following the U.S. Constitution and attempting to protect the sovereignty of our country. He is actually following the law, which to Democrats is too radical.

Brzezezezinski [who am I to poke fun at a last name?] said that when done right, Oval Office addresses can unite the nation in trying times and “inspire the better angels in ourselves.” What she meant to say was that "when it's done left."

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period."

“But all signs here indicate that is not what Donald Trump has in mind and the networks have a decision to make,” she said without a shred of evidence. “Do they want to run the promise of more lies, more misleading statistics? More twisting of reality, mindless confrontation all for the sake of defending Trump’s dark, twisted fantasy on a wall on the Mexican border to fight an enemy that doesn’t exist except in the most fevered swamps of American politics? Do they want to do that for ratings?”

Trump is expected to use tonight's Oval Office address to lay out his case for funding a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The president is expected to travel to the southern border on Thursday.

It's blast off in about 15 minutes.

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