Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dem Rep. Andre Carson stands with Tlaib's 'motherf***er' comment

Rep[rehensible] Andre Carson (D-IN) spoke at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) a sister organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and unindicted co-conspirator in Holy Land Foundation trials. Other anti-Semitic pro-terrorist supporters in attendance were Rashida "Potty Mouth" Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

"We've got firepower in Congress. We got sister Rashida in the House, and she's tough. She's the kind of sister you take to a debate with scholars with you because she'll rock the house. She's also the kind of sister you take with you if you're about to get jumped because she'll fight, too. That sister's tough. [I] love her dearly," Carson, who would turn the country into a caliphate if he could, said.

"I've known her — I had a reporter come to me the other day and say, what do you think about Rashida and what she said? This reporter was from Breitbart. I said I love her, I've known her for a decade, she's a fighter and I stand with her. And we should stand with her," Carson added.

Speaking at a far-left reception last week, Tlaib said Democrats would "impeach the motherfucker," referring to PresidentTrump.

Commenting on Tlaib's remarks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she is "not in the censorship business," but did not like that language and "wouldn't use that language." Rep. Brad "Magoo" Sherman (D-CA), who filed articles of impeachment against Trump, said his "left eye bulged in disbelief" at Tlaib's comments, and his right eye followed suit.

"That’s not language I would use in public … I think the office of the presidency should be treated with respect, especially if we're talking about a Democratic president," Sherman said.

It's a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

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