Saturday, December 22, 2018

McCaakill warns against socialist AOC: 'math is unforgiving to that concept'

Outgoing Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) warned against nominating "far-left" Democrats [aka: socialists] like Alexandria Occasionally Coherent-Cortez saying that leftists like her "have not been in a place where the math is unforgiving to" their political views.

AOC doesn't really deal with actual math, just socialist concepts that sound good until they're used.

McCaskill said the remarks on a Thursday podcast with another leftist organization known as The New York Times. She blamed her loss in the midterm elections on "irritating" pro-abortion activists [read: "baby murderers"] and also warned against nominating far-left Democrats.

"What's her name, [the one] everybody's fascinated with from New York?" McCaskill asked. "I hope she listens to people who defeated Republicans because it's the people who defeated Republicans in this election that we need to be emulating. Not the people who defeated Democrats in primaries" in deep blue districts."

McCaskill makes a good point.

"They're so passionate about their beliefs they feel if everyone would just be more pure, more people would come to the cause, and many of them have not been in a place where the math is unforgiving to that concept," McCaskill continued. "And so, I just want to make sure that we don't make a mistake and go so far to the left in nominating a candidate that we lose all those white working-class voters that have been a huge part of our party decades ago."

McCaskill cautioned that if Democrats go too far to the left, they will not be successful in 2020, warning that far-left Democrats "turn off people and make election victories impossible."

Let's hope they do go lefter than California.

"We have an opportunity in 2020 as long as we don't go so far-left off the side of the earth that we alienate those people that, when they hear the word 'free college,' they hear that phrase, they think, 'Oh, look, they're giving away something to other people besides me again. I had to earn mine. Why aren't they having to earn theirs?'" McCaskill warned. "That thing is real. Sometimes, going too far, we turn off people and make election victories impossible."

McCaskill then offered an example, recalling a moment at a gas station after President Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election.

"There was a good 'ole boy over by the gas pumps, and he said, 'Hey you, hey you,' which in Missouri is 'Senator, Senator,'" McCaskill explained. "So I walked over and I said, 'What can I do for you, sir?' and he started shaking his finger in my face."

"He said, 'I voted for you before and I may vote for you again, but I want you to know why I didn't vote for her,' Hillary Clinton," McCaskill continued. "'I knew she cared about women, I knew she cared about Muslims, I knew she cared about Mexicans, I knew she cared about homosexuals, I knew she really cared a lot about black people, but I was pretty sure she didn't give a s**t about me.'"

Sen. McCaskill says @Ocasio2018 and other freshman Dems are too "far left" and too focused on being "pure."

Which, of course, is pure bull.

McCaskill (10/29/18) on migrant 'caravan:' “Stop them at the border. I do not want our borders overrun. And I support the president’s efforts to make sure they’re not."

Maybe she needs to consider which party she needs to belong to.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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