Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Rude Jim Acosta destroyed by Trump

President Trump apparently had enough of CNN's Jim Acosta's grandstanding, self-aggrandizing behavior at a press conference on Wednesday.

It all began when Acosta prodded Trump about his campaign messaging over his decision to focus on illegal migration and the caravan of migrants whose goal is to enter the United States illegally.

Acosta mentioned how the president called the caravan an "invasion" and Trump responded by doubling-down with, "I consider it to be an invasion."

Stepping out of his alleged role of journalist, to the role of opinion reporter, Acosta said, "It was not an invasion."

When the narcissistic opinion reporter for the Comedy News Network tried to explain why he things the caravan was not an invasion, the president responded, "Thank you for telling me that information."

Unable to stop his motor-mouth from moving, Acosta falsely implied that Trump was attempting to demonize migrants during the election. In fact, Trump was not trying to demonize immigrants--he very clearly was focused on illegal immigration.

"I want them to come into the country, but they have to come in legally," Trump said. "You know they have to come in Jim through a process."

When the press conference runner tried to take the microphone from Acosta, after Trump made it clear he was done talking with him, Acosta didn't let it go. Trump called him a "rude, terrible person" for his behavior toward White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.

The scene had to make many conservatives and Trump supporters angry, as Acosta continues to try making himself the story. It would be lovely if the White House demanded that CNN supply a different, actual journalist and ban Acosta for future pressers.

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