Wednesday, November 7, 2018

NY prof. caught on camera stealing GOP yard signs

A New York professor [a professor is a person who 'professes' knowledge about a particular topic] has been arrested after getting bagged on camera ripping out Republican yard signs from private property, i.e., someone else's lawn.

Laura Ebert is an economics professor at the State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz. She was charged with a misdemeanor larceny for stealing signs supporting GOP candidates John Faso and Marc Malinaro at the home of Patrick and Lisa McGovern in Rosendale, 8 miles from SUNY.

Mr. McGovern saw that the signs were missing and went to his security camera and reviewed the footage. It showed Ebert hopping out of her truck, pulling up the signs, and putting them into her truck's flatbed on Oct. 30th.

Ms. McGovern, a registered independent said, "It's crazy in our area lately. It's never been like this. People are getting over-emotional." She added that the incident was especially "frightening" because it was so close to home, but when she found out it was a local professor, she was amused.

"I kind of thought it was funny in a way, because of the times, you hear about stories of the professors being very liberal and not allowing people with conservative or Republican views to speak . . . almost like trying to shut down my voice, which seems antithetical to what a professor should be doing because we should all have a voice," McGovern said.

It isn't funny. It's an insult to free speech and it's getting to a point where the left wants to shut up those on the right who have different opinions, accusing conservative speech to be dangerous, or harmful, therefore they can act out against it like Antifa does with violence, or this professor does with signs. It's their way of taking away our voice, our ideology.

Ebert said she was caught in a moment of weakness and high emotion. She said she meant no harm--how convenient for her to come to that realization after she got caught.

Ebert has received death threats since getting arrested. That's too bad because it shows how both sides can be quite stupid.

We need to be better than them.

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