Saturday, October 6, 2018

Jordan Hunt, a silly savage, fired after kicking pro-life woman

A silly savage
Toronto -- Jordan Hunt, Jordan Hunt--remember that name. Hunt [aka: Mike] a pro-abortion hairstylist bully of women has been fired for kicking a pro-life activist at a rally. He was caught on video so there is no doubt he kicked Marie-Claire Bissonnette.

 He may face criminal charges but, hey, it's Canada--he'll probably "walk."

Hunt spoke directly to the camera and roundhouse kicked her in the shoulder after he had been defacing protester's signs and clothing with a colored marker. The coward's identity emerged as LifeSiteNews outed him. The pro-life news site was the first to post Bissonnette's video and wrote about her recounting of the incident.

A representative of Hunt's former employer, Noble Studio 101, condemned his actions in a statement, and confirmed on social media that the creep was fired. The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, did not condemn the attack on Bissonnette as he too is pro-abortion but fortunately for him, his parent's weren't.

"We're four strong women here," she said. "We don't condone any kind of violence. . . Everybody has their own opinion and different ways of thinking, but violence is not the answer. He won't be stepping his foot through the door again."

A police report was filed with the Toronto Police by the victim. Police spokeswoman Katrina Arrogante said the incident is "on file and the investigation is ongoing. No arrests have been made at this time."

If they don't arrest this POS, then it's a case of 'no justice, no peace.'

Bissonnette said in her article and in an interview with the Pennsylvania political talk show "Two Way Radio," that these types of incidents prove to her that leftist ideology is the main motivating factor for such behavior.

"I'm realizing more and more that the leftist ideology, the crazy ideological warriors, they are motivated by their ideology, they aren't motivated by the inherent good of free speech or the inherent good, let's say, diversity that they say they are so fond of, or equality. The virtue-signaling that they do, it's not because they actually believe in the virtues; it's because they want to further their agenda."

The video made it to YouTube's top ten on Wednesday. It shows Hunt defending abortion [which makes you wonder why any man would defend killing a baby in the womb, unless it's also to his advantage] and then kicking Bissonnette. She is heard shouting for police to be called while Hunt says that he was trying to kick her phone [which he apparently believes excuses himself from the violence].

Fortunately, Hunt kicks like a worm and Bassonnette wasn't seriously hurt.
Jordan Hunt bravely kicks a girl then runs
"[The man] forcefully roundhouse-kicked me in the shoulder, which sent my phone flying and I yelled for someone to call the police. In defense of his violence he claimed he'd meant to kick my phone, and then, as a fellow Life Chain participant dialed 9-1-1, he yanked off the ribbon I'd been wearing on my chest and ran away, heading east," Bissonnette wrote.

Justin Trudeau doesn't seem to want to get involved or even comment on the incident. If it was a pro-abortion protester, I suspect he'd be all over it like stink on Kathy Griffin.

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