Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Bipartisan bill passed unanimously against using human shields

Finally, something the Democrats aren't trying to block--the U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a bill that would enact sanctions on those who use civilians as human shields as a war tactic. This includes Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and Al Qaeda.

The office of Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) in a press release Friday, along with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced the bill, said "The use of human shields is barbaric and illegal, and terrorist groups--including Hamas and Hezbollah--must be held responsible when they engage in this reprehensible practice."

They should have also included the targeting of schools and homes of civilians, but that's asking a lot.

The bill was co-sponsored by 50 additional senators and will now be headed to the House of Representatives for a vote. The bill is called the Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act [aka: "Let That Kid Go and Fight Like a Man Act"].

Any member of Congress voting against passing the bill will stand out like a sore zabiba.
Doubling down on his zabiba
"I commend the Senate for unanimously passing our bipartisan bill," Sen. Cruz said on Friday. "Terrorist groups, including Iranian proxies such as Hamas and Hezbollah, have made the use of human shields a routine tactic. This bill signals to the rest of the world that America will hold accountable anyone who uses civilians as shields to achieve military ends, as well as their enablers. I encourage the House to come together and pass our bill as soon as possible."

Because we all know that once this bill is passed, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and Al Qaeda are going to back down and stop putting women and children in front of themselves while they shoot at our troops.

The bill requires and gives POTUS authority to identify and impose sanctions on a foreign individual, who is a member of or acting on behalf of terrorist groups and "who knowingly orders, controls, or otherwise directs the use of civilians protected as such by the law of war to shield military objectives from attack."

"Terrorist organizations like Hamas in Gaza continue their efforts to kill and terrorize innocent civilians while using human shields in the process, showing their utter disregard for human life," Sen. Marco Rubio 9R-FL) observed.

Other senators agree that using human shields is not nice.

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