Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Utah teen verbally attacked by Twitter 'Insult Patrol'

Keziah Daum, 18, is planning to wear a beautiful Chinese cheongsam dress to her high school prom. Right on cue, leftist racists attacked her on Twitter for cultural appropriation. 

One Chinese guy, who appropriated English, tweeted his anger over her choice of dress, while other idiots called her a "closet racist."

Daum posted four prom photos on Twitter on April 22 with the caption, "PROM." One photo depicts her crouching in the traditional dress as she posed with her friends with their hands folded together. That's all it took for race baiters to jump on her case and deem the gesture inappropriate, rather than a gesture of appreciation of a different culture.

One twit wrote: "What's the theme of your life? Ignorant?" as if only Chinese people have permission from the left to wear Chinese garb.

"This isn't ok. I wouldn't wear traditional Korean, Japanese or any other traditional dress and I'm Asian. I wouldn't wear traditional Irish or Swedish or Greek dress either. There's a lot of history behind these clothes. Sad," an Asian person tweeted on Twitter, a platform created by Americans [as opposed to Asians], Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams and Biz Stone.

Wearing clothing or using things from other cultures is what makes us closer as a global society. It's a compliment, not an insult.

I wonder what these mentally challenged folks would do if they traveled to an Islamic country that required the women to wear a head covering or a full burka. "Sorry, I don't want to appropriate your culture."

Daum defended her decision to wear the gown, saying that she would wear it again to show her "respect" for Chinese culture.

"To everyone causing so much negativity: I mean no disrespect to the Chinese culture. I'm simply showing my appreciation to their culture. I'm not deleting my post because I've done nothing but show my love for the culture. It's a f---ing dress. And it's beautiful," she tweeted Saturday.

The only thing the left has is identity politics. 

I love wearing men's Indian clothing. It's great looking, comfortable, and my Indian wife sees it as a compliment to her culture as do our Indian friends.

The Insult Patrol must lead very sad, very angry lives.

It's a free country, but if the left have their way, it will no longer be free. An example of this was the twit that tweeted: "If you're not Chinese then you have no right to speak up about this."

Of course she does. It's right there in the First Amendment.

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