Saturday, April 7, 2018

Kimmel's and bits

Long before talk show host Jimmy Kimmel was the late night voice of reason against President Trump, even using his young son as a prop to push his agenda, he was a crude misogynist who used women as props--the video tells it better than words.

Finally, Kimmel's true self made an appearance when he made lewd remarks [he refers to them as jokes] suggesting a homosexual relationship between President Trump and Fox News host Sean Hannity.

But most likely, nothing will happen to him because he's a flaming liberal and they protect their own, until it interferes with their ambitions.

There was quite a heated Twitter war between Kimmel and Hannity after the ABC former comedian suggested that Trump and Hannity were having a sexual relationship. 

Kimmel tweeted in response to Hannity's tweet saying Kimmel sexually harassed young women:
"When your clown makeup rubs off on Trump's ass, does it make his butt look like a Creamsicle?"
Of course, Hannity's claim is clearly true as you can see from the video, but Kimmel continued:
"Don't worry--just keep tweeting--you'll get back on top! (or does Trump prefer you on bottom?) Either way, keep your chin up big fella..XO."
Prior to Kimmel's tweet, Hannity called him a "pervert" and "Harvey Weinstein Jr."

But Kimmel got some pushback from several social media people who said he was alienating his LGBT audience and trivializing their sex style. [I will not quote some of their responses as they will get me in trouble with my blog provider.]

One guy tweeted: 
Another person accused Kimmel of liberal hypocrisy, which is exactly correct.
" this the part where liberals are OK with sexual orientation jokes as long as it's about conservatives? Funny stuff."  --Old Submariner (@BerrinAndro) April 6, 2018
The verbal brawl began on Wednesday when Hannity called Kimmel a "despicable disgrace" regarding jokes he made about Melania Trump's accent and grasp of the English language [see video below].

If a conservative dared to make a similar joke about Michelle Obama, the media would be all over them. But remember, Kimmel is a liberal and gets a free press pass.

On Thursday night's show, Kimmel made a bizarre sex rant about whether Hannity could get an "erection."
"Sean Hannity's problem is that for eight years, while Obama was President, he was unable to get an erection. For eight years, not one erection. And he tried everything. . . he tried looking at pictures of Paul Ryan with his shirt off. Didn't work."
Evidently, Kimmel is a peeping tom, looking into Hannity's window at night as he gets his own secret, dark thrills.

But seriously, he's a disgusting human being.

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