Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Trump's doctor is a racist

President Trump underwent his annual medical exam today and his physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, who conducted it had the audacity to say that "The president's overall health is excellent."

To make matters worse was Jackson's confidence that the Mr. Trump will complete his term in office "with no serious medical issues." 

How can he possibly know this?

So-called "Doctor" Jackson was asked by the media how is it that Trump is healthy despite his diet and lack of exercise. A perfectly reasonable question with only one possible answer, he can't be. Except the answer Jackson gave was the ruse: "He has incredibly good genes. It's just the way God made him."

Lies! Liar! Boom!

Everyone knows that God did not make Donald Trump. He is obviously a creature of Satan. Jackson is nothing more than a quack if he refuses to admit that Trump is in mortal danger eating Big Macs and not exercising like those in the media do and avoid fast food. 

I mean, just because Trump doesn't smoke or drink, has a resting heart rate of 68 beats per minute,  a blood pressure of 122/74, and aced his cognitive ability test (The Montreal Cognitive Assessment" which tests for Alzheimer's and dementia), doesn't mean he is healthy and mentally fit to be president. 

It is very likely that Dr. Jackson has been colluding with the Trump administration and if so, that makes him a racist and a deplorable person.

The exam, they said, lasted 4 hours. Four hours! No real medical exam lasts that long. 

It has to be collusion, Jackson is a racist, and Trump needs to be impeached!

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