Thursday, January 25, 2018

Richards stepping down from the PP abortion mill

President of Planned Parenthood (PP) [aka Planned Childlessness] Cecile Richards, a woman who never met an unborn baby she wouldn't kill, is stepping down from the abortion mill, according to BuzzFeed

Richards is credited with increasing the number of babies killed by the organization by 11 percent, during her tenure beginning in 2006. Since then, they have killed an estimated 3,000,000 children, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

In New York City, more black babies are aborted than born.

She must be very proud of her organization.

Her leaving comes at a time when the organization is under investigation. In 2015, a large number of PP employees and high-ranking officials told undercover ["real"] journalists, that PP was harvesting baby body parts, including heads. It sold the body parts to companies and universities.

The undercover videos were the catalyst for five congressional investigations and prompted PP to claim it stopped taking money for organ harvesting, which PP claims was completely legal [which, of course, is highly unethical].

Although the congressional investigations have stalled, the Justice Department confirmed this past December that there is an ongoing federal probe into Planned Parenthood's business practices.

So Cecile Richards is getting out while the getting's good.

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