Saturday, December 30, 2017

Don't make America gay again the way it was gay back when

Aspen, Colorado -- Vice President Mike Pence is vacationing with his wife at his lodging in Aspen. The people next door posted a rainbow banner reading: "Make America Gay Again." Perhaps they're gay, perhaps they're simply stupid. The banner was draped on a stone pillar in front of the house Mr. Pence was staying.

In either case, whoever hung the banner evidently have a misguided sense of American history. 

America was never gay in the sense that gayness was the majority norm. Being gay back then, before our first "gay president," Barack Obama was on the scene, being gay meant "being in the closet." 

Gays today have it much better than ever before. You can't watch a Netflix Original without seeing at least one gay couple, possibly a transgender person, or lesbians kissing.

The daughters of the couple across the street and another female friend reportedly draped the banner on the pillar while a Pitkin County deputy and Secret Service members stood nearby, according to the Aspen Times.

The newspaper said the Secret Service agents were unconcerned when the women draped the banner over the pillar and said, "We're not here to control your free speech rights."

As governor of Indiana, Pence signed legislation that put him at odds with the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community, in other words, every kind of gay and gender dysmorphic person imaginable.

Pitkin County Sheriff Joe DiSalvo said he's in favor of free speech [he probably also knows that it's the law] and that Aspen has a long history of not giving a fig when it came to people of power visiting the area.

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