Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The inmates are calling for shrinks to discuss Trump

A member of the House Intelligence Committee (which in her case is an oxymoron) is reaching out to mental health people to talk about President Donald Trump and told this to BuzzFeed News. 

Like most Democrats, especially those from California, Rep. Jackie Speier believes if a person feels something, it must be true. So she would like psychologists, psychiatrists, virtually anyone who would feel the same way as she feels about Trump, to validate her feelings and diagnose the commander in chief with a mental illness. 

But not Maxine Waters or Frederica Wilson or Nancy Pelosi.

"It's one thing from my non-professional, non-clinical standpoint to believe that someone does not have the capacity to do the job, it's another thing to talk to experts and those who can deal with mental psychosis [the only kind of psychosis that exists, based on the definition of psychosis] on a daily basis, so I wanted to hear from them," the California Democrat said.

Other paranoid individuals from the Democratic Party have also spoken to mental health professionals on behalf of Trump, refusing to discuss their own mental statuses, and Bandy Lee, a psychiatry professor at Yale was one of those contacted. 

While Lee wouldn't say who asked her to make a wild diagnosis of the president without having actually met Trump and spoken with him; asking him pertinent, probing questions, doing psychodiagnostic testing, for example,  she did reveal that they were all Democrats in both the House and Senate.

Speier had also reached out to John Gartner, a so-called psychologist and founder of Duty to Warn, a network of mental health liberals across the country who are still unable to mentally process the fact that Hillary lost and Donald won. 

Duty to Warn is making a strong push into politics and apparently lack the professionalism to properly diagnose a person. It is unlikely that any of its members have voted Republican in the past and I give it no credence nor clear water revival.

Bandy Lee was initially affiliated with Duty to Warn but has walked away from Gartner and disagrees with mental health "experts" diagnosing Trump and advocating for a political outcome. 

It's nothing short of a conspiracy theory.

There has never been a first-hand account by any mental health professional to indicate President Trump has a psychological disorder. Sure, he is narcissistic, but tell me any president, any person who believes he or she can lead the free world, who isn't.

Duty to Warn is taking all the credibility away from the mental health field.

But I have a few people I'd like the group to check out and tell us all how normal they are: Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Frederica Wilson--all Democrats.

Pelosi clearly appears to have a problem with her memory--even her long-term memory, which is generally intact throughout our lives.

Waters has a history of distrust after trying to set up a sweet deal for her banker husband. She has also called the Trump administration a "bunch of scumbags." But watch the videos and make up your own mind.

Frederica Wilson is what I call 'the rodeo clown of Capitol Hill.'

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