Monday, June 12, 2017

Ramadan Boomathon

As Islamic State sees their numbers and territory dwindling they are desperately threatening to make this year's religious celebration a record bloody one, both home and abroad.

Taking a page from the Democratic Party, IS is trying to take the attention off their losses by staging attacks  in Egypt, Iran and England among others, and pulling off a land-grab in the Philippines. 

The purpose is to recruit Sunni Muslims to join the fight--it's a sick competition in the Muslim holy month.

The IS propaganda magazine claims that losing territory makes them harder to kill, but the truth is, they're not being allowed to establish the Islamic caliphate they so fervently desire and in actual combat, they suck as soldiers and are relatively easy to kill.

A counter-message has recently emerged from the Ramadan Boomathon: Zain, an Arab telecommunications company, launched a commercial showing a man fabricating a suicide bomb. At the end of the video the man fails in his mission as a man in the background sings: "Let's bomb delusion with the truth." And the video ends with "We will counter their attacks of hatred with songs of love."

If they would just all hold hands and form a circle and sing Kumbaya, they'd be easier for IS to kill. 

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