Thursday, June 8, 2017

Gay Trump supporters not allowed to participate in Charlotte Pride Parade

Charlotte, NC -- A group of gay people are not being allowed to participate out of the Gay Pride Parade because they don't support the same political people the parade organizers support; instead, they support President Trump. 

"I'm very proud of my country, proud of my president, and was once proud of my community," Brian Talbert said. He said that he's proud to be gay and proud to be a republican.

Personally, I don't believe that being white, black, gay, queer, straight, man, woman, lesbian, transgender, Asian, Muslim, American or anything that wasn't an actual accomplishment by you is a source of pride. But that's just me.

Talbert's truck had a Trump-Pence bumper sticker and 'Not a liberal' sign on the back window. Evidently, the parade organizers felt that such sentiments are an insult to them and did them evil harm.

"I'm very proud of my vote. I don't regret my vote. I will vote for Donald Trump again. I'm proud of my president. I don't think I should be vilified because I'm proud of a U.S. president as an American."

Talbert and a fellow gay GOPer sent in an application to Charlotte Pride so they could have a float in the parade.

"It was going to be fun. We wanted to be energetic. We wanted to show that we weren't the racist, bigot; misogynistic . . . We wanted to show that we are Americans, love our country and our president. We wanted to be there to celebrate gay pride. Everything fell into place except being able to celebrate who I am," he said.

Of course, Charlotte Pride now knowing his intention of advocating for the U.S. and Trump, got the application denied for the float.

It was 'screw diversity' all over again, and as usual, it came from the left.

"For a group of people who claim to want tolerance, acceptance and give it to every single person you can imagine to give it to, for them to sit back and judge me for exercising my right as an American to choose my leader without judgment is hypocritical," Talbert said.

A spokesperson for Charlotte's Gay Pride Parade said in a statement: 
"Charlotte Pride reserves the right to decline participation at our events to groups or organizations which do not reflect the mission, vision and values of our organization, as is acknowledged in our parade rules and regulations by all groups at the time of their parade application. In the past, we have made similar decisions to decline participation from other organizations espousing anti-LGBTQ religions or public policy stances."
Proving what authoritarian jerks the organizers are. 

Talbert said that "I don't judge them for how they vote. I believe men and women died to give us that right to choose our own leader. They don't extend the same courtesy to me being a gay republican."

Sorry, Brian, but to those cretins, you're the wrong kind of gay person.

Talbert plans to file a lawsuit and you can go to his "Deplorable Pride" website at: He is raising money to cover lawyer fees. It would be really worthwhile to see those leftist lose for a change.

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