Monday, May 22, 2017

The left media is grasping at steaks with ketchup

In the latest hard-hitting, Trump-bashing article, Forbes attacked the president over his use of ketchup on his steak. 

The article says that Trump "has a peculiar favorite dinner: steak, well-done, with a side of ketchup. Even among Trump voters, such a combination is controversial.

The author then goes on to attempt explaining the President's use of ketchup, saying that foreign officials are learning to cater to Trump's tastes.

One cutesy trick includes: "compliment him on his Electoral College victory." They say to keep it short because he only has a 30-second attention span. And in Saudi Arabia, they discovered his "unique food tastes" and made his favorite meal of steak with a side of ketchup.

Impeach him!

Anyway, the article concedes that the ketchup thing is "relatively benign, even though some commentators have suggested that it typifies a childlike immaturity." But then uses this as a pivot to talk about his lack of maturity regarding his recent conduct with the Russians in the Oval Office.

Is it a lack of maturity or a lack of understanding about the sensitivity of such matters? And did he offer the Russians ketchup?

The more the media goes after Trump for such ridiculous quirks such as the ketchup on steak story, the less normal people are going to take it seriously.

Of course the Oval Office/Russian story shows lack of judgment. But using the ketchup analogy to show immaturity, if that, indeed, is what's responsible for the real blunder is stupid and unnecessarily disrespectful.

You don't have to like Trump, but being disrespectful to the presidency, for me at least, is un-American. 

It makes you sound immature.

Enough said.

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