Sunday, January 8, 2017

Tribe offers cash to schools to ditch "offensive" Indian mascots

A Michigan Native American Indian tribe is planning to bribe K-12 schools, both public and private, as well as universities and municipalities to replace Indian mascots.

A recent survey found that 35 K-12 schools in Michigan had Native American Indian-themed mascots, including the Indians, the Warriors, the Redskins, the Chiefs, the Big Reds, the Chieftains and the Braves.

The Notawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (translated: "The Falling Snowflakes on the Murky Pond") said that they would be the first U.S. tribe to help offset the costs of replacing the mascots with a bribe. 

In addition, they ask that the Irish folk group, The Chieftains, call themselves by another name and suggested "The Porcelain Skin Beer Guzzlers."

Princess Summerfall Winterspring, a tribal spokeswoman, said the replacement process of the mascots can be very expensive. A school may have to change the gym floor, athletic uniforms, band equipment, student mindsets and even the official letterhead to its website.

But, she said, if it makes our braves feel better, then it's worth the cost.

The bribe money would be coming from the newly established Native American Heritage Fund, which will start each year at $500,000 in its account.

Other uses for the money will go to improving tribal schools and providing tribal members with good horses and firewater.

Everyone seems so easily offended--I hope you weren't. 

This post wasn't intended to offend, just like Native American mascot names are also not meant to 'hurt feelings. 

In fact, it seems as if the monikers actually honor the Native American.

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