Friday, December 23, 2016

GWU removes history in its history curriculum

George Washington University is probably going to change its name in the future because they seem to want a divorce from American history. And they may not know it, but a guy named George Washington was an integral part of American history.

The sages of GWU has changed its course requirements for history majors--they no longer offer U.S. history. So students may have to learn about their school's namesake in grade school.

The "university's" history department introduced new requirements with the aim of "giving students greater flexibility" to pursue their interests such as "Climate Change for a Changing World," "Peruvian Forest Basket Weaving," and "Positive Things to Claim About Hamas." 

Requirements were also eliminated in North American and European history along with foreign language.

The school paper GW Hatchet said the changes were motivated partly to attract students to the history department, since it has sucked since 2011 in getting student enrollment.

Katrin Schultheiss, the history department chair, basically said that the school will do cartwheels to get more students to enroll in history, and the best way to do that is to not offer too much history to them. "Whatever they want to do, there's a way to make the history department work for them."

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