Sunday, November 6, 2016

Corruption? No problem if you're a Clinton

Doug Band, a top aide to former President Bill Clinton wrote in 2012 that Chelsea "Howdy Doody" Clinton used the money laundering front known as the Clinton Foundation (aka the Clinton Global Initiative) to finance "her wedding and her life for a decade." And a top Foundation donor was responsible for "killing" unfavorable press coverage. This came as an internal audit of the Foundation found many conflicts of interest and "quid pro quo benefits," according to WikiLeaks emails uncovered Sunday.

Band, the founder of global strategies company Teneo, wrote the Jan. 4, 2012 email to John Podesta and two other Clinton aides when he learned that Chelsea told "one of the [President] bush 43 kids" and others about an "internal investigation of money within the foundation." He added that such chatter was "not smart."

"The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents . . . " Band wrote. "I hope that you will speak to her and end this[.] Once we go down this road . . ."

This just in:

Now after going through the Weiner computer's 650,000 emails, just two days before the election, FBI speed readers have determined that Comey's original [ass]essment still stands and the matter over Clinton's illegal server, her illegal use of Foundation money, the million dollar birthday gift to Bill while Hill was Sec. of State, the Clinton maid being given access to classified documents and emails, Hillary's destroying of the supoenaed emails by Congress, isn't enough to indict a Clinton. 

That would take an act of God.

This is the epitome of corruption and Trump is right--the "system is corrupt." I don't know how James Comey can look at his reflection in the mirror now that he's gone over to the dark side.

This has been the most disturbing and most disgusting election I have ever seen. Obama split us apart in horrible, racist ways and Clinton is following his lead and doing the same thing and adding the "gender card."

I can't wait for this election to be over, although I suspect Clinton will win and the country will go far left--that would be horrible.

But we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.

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