Monday, October 17, 2016

Assange cut off from digital civilization

According to WikiLeaks (the website that Donald Trump raves about) its founder Julian Assange's Internet link was severed by a "state party" but added "appropriate contingency plans" have been activated.

The announcement was made soon after it published three tweets referencing Secretary of State John "Hair-plugs" Kerry, Ecuador and the UK's Foreign Commonwealth Office. Each tweet was matched with a string of numbers whose meanings are unclear.

It was originally thought that the 64-character codes may have indicated that Julian Assange had died, and the characters were actually a "dead man's switch," but the latest information is that he is alive and well.

Assange is ready to continue making Hillary Clinton's life miserable, as he did to our government when he released about 700,000 classified emails sent to the website by Edward Snowden, who has become a hero to American libtards.

Last October, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton allegedly was quoted to ask if Assange could be killed in a drone strike. And back in the day when Bob Beckel was still on Fox News Channel, he said that "a dead man can't leak stuff."

This month, 'specific information' alerted Assange to cancel a London balcony address to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the website.

Assange hinted that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, 27,  may have been an anonymous WikiLeaks source. Rich was shot multiple times in the back at a Washington D.C. street in July. He died soon thereafter and was believed to be a target of a robbery that went bad. 

Seth Rich is with Vince Foster, Walter Scheib, Mary Mahoney, Charles Ruff and Jim McDougal now, not to mention several scores of other Clinton associates. Google it.

WikiLeaks released a load of emails allegedly stolen from the account of John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chair. Over 12,000 emails of a purported 50,000 were released illuminating the inappropriate relationship between the Clinton campaign and some make-believe journalists. The emails also showed how Hillary's team handled sundry scandals.

It isn't certain if the Podesta emails are the "October surprise" Assange hinted that WikiLeaks would release.

Many so-called 'experts' believe the organization is actually a front for the Russian government, and Assange suggested that his emails had been hacked by the Russians. Also, officials have determined that a recent hacking of the DNC's computer files was probably the work of Russian hackers.

Vice President Joe Biden told NBC News that the U.S. would be "sending a message" to Putin, "at a time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact."

He probably means the U.S. will send the message to Putin when "Lead from Behind" Obama is finally gone. If Trump replaces Obama as president, the message may be in the form of a greeting card. If Clinton wins, the message may be in the form of a first strike.

Whatever .  .  .  let's just get on with the election.

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