Monday, June 20, 2016

The FBI will protect the sensitivities of liberals

Only partial transcripts of the 911 calls made by Omar Mateen, the Orlando terrorist will be released to the public by the FBI, according to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, speaking on an NBC interview.

Luckily, the only thing that will be omitted will be the Islamic part of the shooter's ideology--his motive for killing infidels, in this case, gays. The are not omitting the fact that he used an evil weapon of war to kill these innocent people. A weapon of war that should be punished for killing so indiscriminately. 

The transcripts discussing how Mateen pledge allegiance to the Islamic State may be too disturbing for liberals to hear, and if they did, they would not see how that can be relevant to forming a strategy to deal with gun violence such as this.

Punish the weapons of war.

The FBI will not release that part of the transcripts that discuss Mateen's Islamic grievances of American foreign policy in Muslim countries. 

Liberals cannot allow such horrible dialogue to fall upon their sensitive ears. It's racist, and besides, they know the real problem is the fact that weapons of war are the real problem.

Punish the weapons of war.

In order to justify the withholding of the truth from the American public, Lynch says that it will further terrorist propaganda, as if they need our help to further their religious quest of a caliphate.

"What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda," she said. "We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State]." 

No, but we're going to see his selfie and his smug smile over and over again in the media. His "I'm as cool as the Tsarnaev brothers and one dude got his mug on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. 

How cool is that?

You want to talk about recruitment? The fact that we refuse to discuss who our enemy is, and pretend our enemy is the instrument rather than the user, is a recruitment tool. The jihadists look at us and laugh. 

Another recruitment tool is, as mentioned, the media. If "cool" photos and names are not used, but rather use the photos of the dead terrorists, that might be a reality call for future jihadist wannabes. 

I know, I know, I used his photo above. I needed it to illustrate my point. But that's it--if I can get my hands on his cold, dead body in Pulse nightclub, I would, but Loretta Lynch and James Comey won't allow that to happen.

But no, liberals just want to punish the weapons of war. How insane is that?

And have you noticed how the focus on Hillary's emails is now out of focus?

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