Sunday, May 15, 2016

Venezuela: proof that socialism sucks

Bernie Sanders needs to look to Venezuela for inspiration and understanding on the inner workings of socialism. This way he will better understand why socialism will bankrupt the United States if he becomes president (heaven forbid). 

Venezuela is so broke that it can't even supply its own electricity to factories, and it even had problems supplying toilet paper for its people. Its largest beer producer, Polar, had to stop production several weeks ago because it wasn't able to import barley due to its lack of foreign exchange, and Venezuelans are among the world's heaviest beer consumers--anyone living there would want a constant buzz on with the screwed up economy Bernie advocates 'faw'.

With the summer fast approaching, there is going to be a lot of thirsty people peeved at the government of Nicholas Maduro.

But unlike Sanders, Maduro doesn't have Wall Shhtreet to blame for the economic hardships faced by his country.  One strategy the Venezuelan president has up his sleeve is to blame the United States for all the problems socialism brings.  He plans to use military exercises to counter "foreign threats."

It's kind of like Islamists always blaming the Jews for all the problems in the world. Nothing is ever their fault, and so it is with Venezuela.

Another strategy Maduro has used is to announce sweeping crackdowns under an emergency decree, ordering the seizure of stagnant factories and the arrest of their owners. In short, he will do anything possible to contain his raging economic crisis that has led to skyrocketing prices, riots, food shortages, looting and vigilante justice.

He accused the USA on Friday of destabilizing the country at the request of the "fascist Venezuelan right." This is the distraction technique he used when declaring a state of emergency.

Addressing his Sanders-esque supporters in central Caracus on Saturday, Maduro said, "We must take all measures to recover productive capacity, which is being paralyzed by the bourgeoisie." The crowd, dressed in communist-red, cheered like crazy, which they were. He went on, "Anyone who wants to halt (production) to sabotage the country should get out, and those who do must be handcuffed and sent to the PVG (Venezuelan General Penitentiary)."

The emergency decree is quite likely Maduro's attempt at preventing a recall vote or even a coup to his leadership--or actually his lack of it. Opposition leaders claim that he's using the decree to destabilize the country and prevent them from organizing a referendum on booting him out of office.

Listen up, Bernie Sanders: a country with enormous oil reserves has its people starving and perpetrating horrible violence just like the history of socialism and communism has shown us. 

If you think socialism works, Bernie, read more on it here.

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