Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Her very public screaming in GOP politics

Mary Marie Fitzferndock of Chicopee, Mass. has gone from rags to better, more improved pre-owned clothing. 

The reason for the new semi-wealth in Mary's life is due to her voice in politics.

By 'her voice' I mean literally, Mary's voice can be heard along the GOP presidential campaign trail. She's the woman you hear screaming "WOO!" and the like, whenever Donald Trump, John Kasich, Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz make a pointed statement that sounds like it's meaningful.

She is being paid by all four candidates and, depending upon who pays the most for any debate, she will scream on cue. 

In fact, on some occasions Mary will scream for several candidates during a debate simply because it's cost-effective to accept fees from more than one contender.

Mary admits that her only allegiance is to the almighty . . . dollar and candidates who are in it to win it will pay big bucks to screamers to emphasize their message.

At the outset of the campaign, Donald Trump was slated to hire the Publisher's Clearinghouse screaming winner, the slightly overweight woman who jumps up and down in extremely tight jeans. However, she refused Mr. Trump's offer because she believes in open borders, Common Core, destroying Wall Street, taxing only the wealthy and Hillary Clinton's innocence.

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