Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bro testifies about dead bro who loved ISIS but was a lousy shot

Hold onto your hat, this is going to blow the doors off your theories about why Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi attacked the "Draw Mohammad" contest in Garland, Texas last May. The contest was put on by Pamela Geller, a blogger whose website is Atlas Shrugged.

It wasn't because they were protesting global warming (aka climate change--they had to rename it that because the earth was not really warming much, if at all). 

It had nothing to do with protesting against bad art. In fact, many of the cartoon drawings of Mohammad, Islam's so-called prophet, were quite good.

The reason Simpson and Soofi wanted to kill as many Mohammad drawing infidels as they possibly could had to do with their religious beliefs. And it were these beliefs about the religion of peace that drove these Muslim men to Garland, weapons in hand, only to be killed by a single cop who must have spent some quality time at the gun range.

Ali Soofi, the brother of Nadir, testified in federal court in Phoenix, AZ in the trial of Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, whose parents really liked the name Abdul because they knew how to spell it.

Ali testified that his 44-year-old brother was an ISIS supporter as well as a moving company owner. (The name of the company was "Heads, I Win," I believe.) He said that he lived with Nadir and Simpson and that Kareem was an ISIS cheerleader, complete with skirt and black pom-poms. 

He also enjoyed the occasional beheading and immolation videos by ISIS.

Ali moved out of the apartment about a month before his brother and the other idiot got themselves outgunned and killed by the cop.

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