Sunday, March 6, 2016

Boston's Stockholm Syndrome Police Commissioner

If attacks by Islamic State and other Islamic terror groups have nothing to do with Islam, why isn't it self-evident? Shouldn't it be obvious? It never is, though, is it?

And why do people need to do verbal calisthenics to defend what they call "the religion of peace?" 

Finally, why do some Muslims get really angry when you quote their Koran?

Politicians continue insisting that the latest jihad attack has nothing to do with Islam. Maybe we have an Amish problem.

But when law enforcement brass start saying stupid crap about terrorism, it's time to worry. 

The Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans spoke last Saturday at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. While ISIS and other jihad groups have been destroying art and culture wherever they can find it, the Boston Center, so far, is still intact.

Evans claimed that "We're all Muslims deep down. We all yearn for peace." This could be the ultimate model sentence to describe the Stockholm syndrome. 

People with Stockholm syndrome identify with their captors or aggressors; they may even care for them, but in reality, it is an act of self-preservation. It happens mostly from traumatic events, like a terrorist attack where the person is taken captive, for example.

But this doesn't explain Evans' claim that deep down we're all Muslim and we all yearn for peace. This is the crazy babbling garbage that weakens our vigilance and gets people killed.

The effects of Stockholm syndrome usually do not end along with the actual crisis, so what we might be seeing with Evans, is someone who believes what he's saying like a schizophrenic believes the orange man who keeps changing color is real (unless he's looking at John Boehner).

 Evans panders like a Clinton lies. His previous visit to the Islamic Society of Boston was right after the San Bernadino massacre killing 14 infidels. Rather than addressing the problems within some of the Muslim population, as well as our immigration problem where ISIS promised to infiltrate the USA, Evans spoke about how we need to treat Muslims better.

"I don't think we can tolerate bigotry toward the Muslim population. They're an important part of our city. I just want to reassure them that we're here for them."

What an asshat.

Rather than discussing the problem with Islamic terror in the wake of the attack, Evans panders to them.

Did I mention he's an asshat?

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